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Top 10 BPO (Call Center) Companies in the Philippines

If you are considering opening a call center as a business venture, you need to seek out the advise of a consulting service for the set up, running and continuing growth of the business. Each call center is different, depending on the type of accounts they represent and the employees they hire. You need to have a great plan, good management and employees that will stay through the training process and become a permanent part of the business.

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Start with finances. Your company needs to have a set up plan, a place to work, phones, computers, desk, chairs, paper and pencils, training programs and much more. A call center consulting service will help decide where the money can be divided up for each items needed. Location will decide the initial outlay of cash. If you invest in used office furniture, this will save the company set up cost a great deal of money to be invested somewhere else. Call center outsourcing is one of the reasons that many companies debate keeping their call centers in house, outsourcing or creating a separate business division to handle their call center and customer support.

Use the consulting service to help set up a one year plan and a five year plan. The plans will tell you how much you will need on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. There will need to be a back up plan in case the original plan does not work. Front money, loans, supporters or investors need to be in place before you continue any further.

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Professional consulting will guide you through the workings of a call center and what it takes to become a success. You will learn about management skills dealing with clients and employees. All skills will extend to running the business and hiring the right people for the right job. All call centers need honest employees and flexible management or they will fail before the first year is done.

As a manager, professional leadership is important to the every day decisions it takes to run the business. The manager is in charge of everyone in their department and the job they are qualified to do. Every employee will have a job that is only one section of the business and will learn it to perfection. The manager will assign and over see that all jobs run according to the business plan and department policy.

Consulting will help to plan each job within the company and training needed. Not everyone will do the same job, but management is expected to know something about every job. As manager, you will solve problems that cannot be solved by lower level employees regarding policy. The company manager will maintain and review all company records on a monthly basis to assure profit or change.

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Employees are a very important part of a call center. Call center consulting services know employees can burn out and need a change in the daily routine during the week. Morale will keep an employee producing their best work. With a few incentives, the employee produces more work for the company in a few days than in a week. So the company can afford the time or incentive to make employees happy and keep them reaching for more production and company profit.

A good consulting firm will find the best time to give employees a break aside from the regular breaks and lunches. Divide the company by four and allow each section an extra 30 minutes for easy training, contest regarding company polices and clients or an arranged early out. This can increase the morale and productivity for the week. It also provides a great way for extra training and job skills with the incentive of a reward.

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Employee training is important from the very beginning of hire. Provide a one week training course and your employees will be ready to work harder and more efficient. There are many types of training programs. You can choose trainers from company personnel with good skills or use a study, question and answer class. Let employees help each other through the training, because the exchange of ideas and abilities make a stronger employee at all levels.

Before your open your call center, train your managers! Each one should know company policy, their own job description, what is expected of them, the clients request and how to handle problem situations. They should also know the programs used, because they will be expected to answer questions from new employee assigned to a job station after training.

The consulting service will ask the managers questions regarding their jobs as a test of management knowledge and hard to handle situations. Train managers regarding the stress level of the job and how to help the people that work for them through a rough day or unruly client.

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Call center consulting services will watch the training of your sales staff as they handle clients regarding new accounts. When a problem happens, new solutions can be offered to change a sales approach. Your accounts are the back bone of the call center, so you want to make sure your clients are happy with the results each month. A good consultation service finds the problems and offers ways to a new solution and better service, so clients continue to assign accounts.

The consulting service can help with benefits and perks regarding what the company can afford. Each employee deserves the best in benefits, but they are not always affordable to the company. It will take research and employee questioners to reach an agreement of the right benefits and a price everyone can afford. Insurance, company vacation time, sick time and perks are all something the company will need to consider when opening.

Perks can range from barbeques on site to breakfast served at the desk of each employee while they continue working. It is amazing what one ice cream bar can do for an employees day and stress level. It doesn’t take much of a perk to break up the day and provide something to smile about. Even ending the day with 10 minutes of joke time or a company email regarding the good work everyone is doing will make coming to work in the morning much more pleasant.

What to Look for in Business Process Outsourcing Companies

Business process outsourcing is the act of outsourcing business operations to a third party. Most of the time, a contract will be developed between the company and the third party. Some of the biggest corporations outsource their business processes in order to save money and reduce costs by not having to pay employees health benefits, labor wages and other insurance packages.

BPO can also be categorized as ‘back office outsourcing’. The internal functions of a company such as payroll, marketing, advertising, contact centers, customer service, etc is usually performed by an outside operation. If a business uses the services of a outsourcing company that is located outside of the country, it is called offshore outsourcing.

Where Do Most Business Process Outsourcing Companies Reside?

India is one country that has gained the most from offshore BPO. Many companies from the U.S. outsource business processes to these countries because they are willing to work for cheaper wages. Over the past decade, India accounts for over $10.9 billion dollars made from the BPO industry. There have been other growths of this industry in various countries as well such as South Africa, Egypt and the Philippines. China is also another contender, who are expected to grow in the next couple of years (regarding BPO).

Benefits and Risks of BPO

There are some positives and negatives with using Business process outsourcing companies. One of the advantages includes the ability to increase a corporation’s flexibility. Most corporations use BPO companies on a fee-for-service basis. This can allow a company to test an outsourcing company before signing any major contracts. It also allows the company to have time to respond to change. Most business owners are elated in the fact they don’t have to risk business assets or revenue when using outsourcing operations.

There are some common threats as well. Outsourcing business processes does mean the company is risking confidential information which can prove to be a security risk. When using a BPO, it can be harder for a corporation to file lawsuits and pinpoint the culprit of scams and fraudulent activity. Information is harder to maintain and control when it is not kept within a corporation.

There are methods to managing such bpo risks, such as setting up a Business Continuity Management model. This model is made up of certain steps in order to identity and control business processes that are being outsourced (especially in other countries). An AHP system is also helpful. Sometimes, there can be a lack of understanding from poor contract formatting. Some businesses have a hard time with BPO because of a lack of understanding of technical IT processes.

Where To Find Outsourcing Companies

With the huge amount of risks involved, it is important to pick the best outsourcing companies that are qualified and proves to be effective. Getting reviews using search engine tools is a good method for scoping out these companies. Complaint boards and information on marketing websites are a good way to see which companies are worth investing in. Trusted online journals, such as Wikipedia, can prove to be a good starting point for reviewing and comparing Business process outsourcing companies.

What To Look For In a Good BPO Company

There are a couple of things to consider before signing a contract with a business of this nature. First, determine their level of customer service. BPO operations should be able to answer your questions, comments and concerns with no problem. Find out who the owner is and do your own background search. Find what the BPO business criteria is for choosing employees and/or contractors. Choose a outsourcing company that only hires contractors that are experienced and educated in your industry.


Top 10 BPO (Call Center) Companies in the Philippines:


The top inbound and outbound call center and BPO company in the Philippines for offshore outsourcing solutions and back-office support.




Top call center companies in the Philippines – iSpeakSolutions is leading Philippine call center. Find experienced call center agents at cheap cost and get best call center outsourcing services in Manila Philippines.




PCI & ISO Certified Call Center Company offers Inbound, Outbound, Back Office & Tech Support services. Call (866) 581-0038.




Call center service is a serious profession in the Philippines. Our agents are carefully screened and selected for their excellent English and customer service skills. Most of our agents have a college-level education, and are given further training in the art of sale negation and customer service.




Philippine-based call center Open Access BPO offers globally competitive customer support in 35 languages, including Chinese. Inquire now.




Executive Boutique offers professional Call Center Services, Tech Support, Customer Support, and Telemarketing in the Philippines. Get a free quote today!




Value oriented—two words that made Infinit Outsourcing become one of the top choices for business process outsourcing companies in the Philippines.




Discover TELUS International – a customer experience innovator that designs, builds and delivers next-gen digital services for global and disruptive brands.




K&C has relationships with most call centers and IT-BPO companies in Metro-Manila, Philippines including Makati, Ortigas, Fort Bonifacio (BGC) and Cebu. K&C offers brokerage services, as well as due diligence, for foreign companies interested in acquiring call centers and IT-BPO companies in the Philippines.




Asia Telecom is a cost effective yet trusted BPO service, call centers support and creative service provider. We provide the best BPO services to your growing business.



Telemarketing Outsourcing for Your Business

As times change, so do the way different types of companies and businesses choose to conduct their day to day operations. Telemarketing has been a tool utilized by companies for quite some time, but never more so than in the past two decades. In modern times, there are only a handful of companies that do not utilize telemarketing in some respect, to help their business grow and achieve its goals. In fact over 94% of companies worldwide, use telemarketing to assist in meeting their objectives and desired growth projections. Telemarketing outsourcing can be an excellent tool for the right business.

The Benefits of Call Center Outsourcing

Call center outsourcing is one of the fastest growing trends that exist in the modern business world. The utilization of this method of outsourcing has grown phenomenally over the past two decades. With more companies providing call center consultants to provide a wealth of information about outsourcing, making this first step or consideration is getting easier today.

Where companies were once widely skeptical of this type of venture, most now accept it as standard formatting in the structure of a business. Part of the popularity of this kind of outsourcing, is due to the fact that it allows organizations to cut down on the overall cost of hiring, training, and providing compensation and benefits for telemarketers employed in-house.

Telemarketing outsourcing also provides enhanced operational efficiencies, by offering a company the added benefit of being able to achieve scalability, which would otherwise be difficult to accomplish with only an in-house telemarketing department.

The Many Different Types of Telemarketing That Can Be Effectively Outsourced

Most firms that provide telemarketing services furnish a wide variety of company-specific outsourcing. These range from secured sales, where it is necessary to capture credit card, and other personal information over the phone, to the simplest of customer service procedures.

As a general rule, companies that offer telemarketing outsourcing to businesses have diversified personnel who specialize in different types of services. A company may have a 500 seat call center, with a total of 200 employees specifically dedicated to working customer service accounts. In another area of the call center, there may be a team of 200 employees that work sales accounts and actually solicit consumers to buy goods or services over the phone, while the remaining 100 might be assigned to the task of conducting surveys for a particular client. This is a rather over-simplified way to explain the basic format of a firm that offers telemarketing services, but it gives a prospective client an idea of how call center outsourcing works.

Telemarketing Outsourcing for Financial Services

Many companies that offer financial services opt to outsource, as there are telemarketing brokers that train representatives to up sell, cross sell, and provide the exceptional customer service that is required to put the customer at ease with regard to the disclosure of sensitive information. A company may not wish to take on the project of hiring and training telemarketers to specialize in this field, but rather outsource the project to a firm that already has a team in place to do such work for its clients.

Telemarketing Outsourcing for Health care

With the constant changes and complicated format of our current health care system, outsourcing is an excellent choice where this type of work is concerned. Many telemarketing brokers utilize special training for their employees, thus enabling them to work these types of accounts, and provide customer service solutions ranging from inbound customer care, to long term support for specific programs. This leaves continuing education of current changes, an issue for the outsourcing establishment, while the company itself can focus on other issues.

Telemarketing Outsourcing for Hospitality and Travel

Outsourcing telemarketing for products such as vacation packages is tremendously cost effective. Now, more than ever, travel companies are looking to firms that offer telemarketing services for this type of work. It is a perfect way to slash costs and increase profits, without sacrificing quality for the customer.

Telemarketing Outsourcing for Communications Firms

Everything from sales inquiries to technical support can be effectively outsourced if a company is dealing with the right provider of telemarketing services. This is another type of outsourcing that is extremely cost effective, whether the focus is internet, cable, cellphone sales, or customer service. A company can benefit greatly from delegating these duties to an outsourcing firm.

Above are just a few of the popular types of work many companies choose to outsource to another establishment. No matter how diversified the needs of a company are, if the right telemarketing broker is found, outsourcing solutions can be created to address those needs, and thereby increase productivity with marginal expenditure.

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