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10 Ways to Protect Your Online Business

If you run your business from a brick and mortar establishment, you wouldn’t think twice about ensuring your premises are protected and safe once the working day is over. For online businesses, it should be the same. When operating an online business, there are all sorts of cyber threats that can have devastating consequences for your company, making it more important than ever to be in the know and understand what you can do to ensure your business is safe and secure. With that in mind, here are 10 things you can do to protect your online business.

Close Your Doors to Malware

Regardless of the size of your company, malware can have a devastating impact on your business. Malware is software that is designed to damage your PC network without your consent or knowledge. Thankfully, there are various things that you can do to shield your business, such as applying the firewall, cleaning up your email to get rid of unwanted spam, using the best security software on the market for an extra layer of protection, as well as picking a solution which enables you to keep track of mobile users, and all of your servers and PCs with one single console.

Write Your Policy

Online criminals will target any kind of business, with start-ups and small businesses being the main targets. Understandably, the large corporations are near enough bulletproof when it comes to trying to hack into their servers, whereas new companies and small organizations may not be as aware of what to do to ensure their business is protected. Writing your policy should be your next port of call which can teach your employees all they need to know about your security requirements. There are several points that should be documented in your policy, such as which type of applications can be used on company computers, what will happen if a policy is not followed, as well as educating your workforce about internal and external communications, giving them more information on what they can and cannot share around the office.

Understand Social Media

Whether you love it or loathe it, the popularity of social media shows no signs of slowing down. Every day, billions of users from all four corners of the globe log in to platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. While social media can be a great way to promote and market your online business, it’s crucial that you know how to use it your advantage. Like with any platform, there are risks attached, so identifying who can speak on behalf of your company and providing guidelines to your workforce on who has access to your social media accounts can help reduce the risk of your business being targeted by hackers.

Use Strong Passwords

Just like you would with your personal accounts, it’s important that you use strong passwords to add an extra layer of protection to your online business. The more characters and keystrokes you use, the better! It’s best to start out strong, with your password being at least eight characters in length. You should also include embedded numbers which can stop the risk of simple attacks from occurring.

Over time, it’s best to regularly change your passwords, and ensure that you educate your team about why writing down any passwords can put your business security at risk. It’s also best not to use the same password for everything in your business, as the last thing you want to do is give hackers free rein of your company.

Get to Grips with Internet Security

It’s crucial that you choose security solutions which can help you understand and conquer the latest threats that are causing problems for businesses. While you may try your best to drill in the importance of internet security to your employees, you shouldn’t solely rely on them for keeping your online business safe. As the leader of the company, all eyes are on you if something goes wrong, so understanding internet security and selecting solutions that nip problems in the bud is important.

Talk to Your Employees

We have all seen the headlines and the impact that high profile data loss can cause, but you may be shocked to learn that 80% of all data loss is down to human error. While we try our best to do our jobs correctly, things can and do wrong from time to time. For example, employees may distribute sensitive or confidential information to third parties or in an unsecured manner. Letting your team know about what type of information in your business is strictly confidential can further reduce the risk of your company being targeted. As the saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work, so if you’re not all in the know about internet security, you could be putting your business at risk.

Lead by Example

As the head of a company, employees, clients, and customers will come to you should anything go wrong in your business. Leading by example and getting to grips with internet security will not only put your mind at rest, but ensure your team are working at their best. Remember, it takes just one person to spread a nasty virus throughout your business which can cause all sorts of problems.

Be Current

If you aren’t up to date with the latest developments in the business world, your company may be at risk of a cyber-attack. It’s important to make sure that your PCs, servers, and mobile users are using the latest threat intelligence software. Thanks to technology, there are always new updates being made, helping to further protect your brand. You’re only as safe as your last update, so do not rely on your old antivirus. Although it may be costly to keep using the latest software, it will cost you a lot more money to sort out any problems should your business get hacked.

Pick a Security Partner

It’s important that you pick a vendor who understands your security needs, especially in a small business environment. Having a vendor who specializes in security and has a proven track record of many years in defending companies from multiple threats can help ensure your company stays safe online.

Enroll on a Training Course

If you’re not tech savvy, understanding everything there is to know about internet security and cyber security can be difficult. As the leader of a company, it’s crucial that you know the ins and outs, so why not enroll on a training course? Find Courses deliver a range of courses such as cyber security training. This might be worth looking at training where you can learn more about how to protect your company from data leaks and hackers. Findcourses enables you to compare training programs to help you find the right one for you. If you are interested in signing up to a course, you will need to look into the duration, cost, and whether the course is run online or in person.

Understanding what malware is, learning how to be safe on social media, using passwords for extra security, and writing your policy are just a few things you can do to protect your online business. Whether you operate a small venture or a large company, doing all that you can to keep your business safe and protected is crucial.

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