Small Business Software Reviews, Services Insight and Resources

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What is Employee Scheduling Software

Employee scheduling software automates the process of creating and maintaining a schedule of the workforce. Employee scheduling is necessary for all businesses because it maximizes your ROI through cost-effective workforce allocation. This software also allows organizations with hourly workforces to re-allocate resources to non-scheduling activities. It makes it easy to track employees’ vacation time, sick time, compensation time, and alert when conflict arises. When such data is accumulated over time, it can be extracted for payroll or for analyzing past activities to make future decisions. These are some of the functions this software can improve in your organization:

Creating schedules for employees

This helps in adapting to changes in employee availability for shifts and replacements once the schedule is posted. You should ensure that you have a buffer to avoid scheduling conflicts and shifts with no assigned worker when making changes in the schedule. This reduces absenteeism significantly because if one employee is not available for the allocated shift, the software has a shift-swapping capability and the available employee will take the schedule and accept it in real-time. The manager has the option of approving such changes manually or automating the process.

Improving compliance

It is important to monitor credentials and ensure that they are compliant with the relevant rules and regulations to avoid hurting your organization’s processes. The software keeps track to ensure there is no overlooking documentation, expiration dates, and store credentials which can lead to additional costs. You can get the software installation and guidance on how to use it optimally at to improve compliance. Employees with upcoming expiration are alerted and those with expired credentials are automatically blocked from being assigned to shift.

Improving communication

The software sends alerts to every employee through group notification to make sure they are aware of their assigned duties. Such notifications on changes in shifts or when there is a new schedule reduces employee no-shows and also covers any unplanned employee unavailability by preparing a pool of a small number of employees who can take that shift. These employees can be full-time workers who want overtime work, part-time employees or contingent staff.

Procedural consistency

The software gives managers and supervisors the peace of mind that every shift has enough workforce. Consistent scheduling can improve your employee’s performance and morale which leads to high-quality service from your staff. Misplacements, overlooking, and forgetting time offs can adversely affect your business operations.

Optimizing labor

This reduces labor costs by effectively tracking and utilizing historical information to predict labor needs for each shift. Forecasting the demand lets you assign shifts according to your business needs all the time to control unplanned overtime costs. It also allows you to monitor the actual labor cost against the allocated budget.


Employee scheduling using programs like spreadsheet or the manual pencil and paper method take a lot of time for managers and they still leave room for errors. Employee scheduling software saves you the headaches and time in creating employees’ schedules. The software also improves communication, eliminate excuses, boost accountability, and track time and attendance to increase productivity.

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