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Looking for Reliable SMTP Service Providers? Try These

Running an email campaign can be a tough thing to do if you make even a single mistake, everything can come crashing down. To go ahead, you need to make sure that your email campaign is up and running, you’ll need a reliable SMTP service provider to make your tasks easier and a ton of features for you to start.

How Does an SMTP Work?

SMTP aka. simple mail transfer protocol is used for sending and receiving emails between servers. All the email systems that send mail over the Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server to the other.

What to Look for in SMTP Service Providers?

There are a few things that you need to look for in an SMTP service provider such as pricing, features, deliverability, etc.

Finding all of these features in an SMTP service provider can be tough, so we have created a list of the best SMTP server services to save your time looking for one.

1. Duocircle

Duocircle is an SMTP service provider that can be used to reliably send emails from any programs, applications or devices. You just need to connect to the SMTP server and authenticate with a password and a username. Even if you are on an RBL or a blacklist you can reliably send emails through Duocircle’s SMTP server.

With their advanced spam filtering features, your emails won’t end up in the spam folder. You will get great deliverability with ‘s advanced SMTP server.



2. Mailgun

Mailgun is another mail relaying service that is simple to use from marketers, businesses and developers alike. They provide a fast email delivery service with a simple integration at affordable rates. You can track your emails to improve your marketing campaign by knowing which group you should target.

They provide powerful APIs for sending, receiving and tracking the emails. can also be integrated easily in WordPress, their plugin is easy to install and configure.


3. Amazon SES

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a cloud-based SMTP mail service that is made for marketers and developers alike to send marketing & transactional emails. It is a great option for marketers and developers to go for.

Amazon SES guarantees email deliverability by filtering them which won’t be blocked by spam filters. You can also track your emails that collect all data for you such as delivery rate, bounce rate, complaints and trashed emails.

Amazon SES

4. SendGrid

A powerful cloud based email service, allows you to send emails without the need to manage an SMTP server and also has a variety of features. It provides delivery optimization tools, email templates, an editor and can also integrate with other third party services and apps.

With their dedicated IP address and DKIM signing, you can further improve your deliverability.



5. SMTPget is another SMTP email service that helps marketers and developers send transactional and marketing emails. With their advanced analytics and real time email tracking, you can send emails without a hassle.

You get a lot of powerful features with a responsive email server that is fast, secure and easy to use.



6. SendPulse

Sendpulse is a multi-channel marketing tool and also offers a free SMTP service with limited features. They can help send email, SMS, transactional emails. For emails, features such as email editor, subscriber ratings, and other extra features. The service SMTP from SendPulse is very good for marketers and developers.

With a drag and drop editor, they can help you design emails that look great on all devices. This can help you make your marketing campaign successful.

To Conclude

We hope this article helped you choose the best SMTP service provider to run your email campaign. All these above mentioned SMTP services are cost effective and provide the best email delivery rates.

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