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How Do You Automate Product Sales? | Airborne

Are you looking for ways to increase your sales?

Did you know that there are a few simple steps that will help make it easier and more streamlined?

One way is by using sales automation.

Sales automation will streamline the whole process to make it faster as well as more effective.

And if your team hasn’t taken steps to automate its sales process, you’re already falling behind. The truth is, sales automation can be an excellent way for companies to scale their business while not neglecting other important facets that come with expanding at such a rapid rate.

When tedious tasks are automated- like customer follow-ups or lead qualification -you’ll have more time on your hands so you can focus on focusing fully on what really matters when scaling: finding new customers, closing deals, and improving metrics related to these things!

In this article, we’ll examine what sales automation is, why it’s needed and how to find the right tools.

What is Sales Automation?

Sales automation is the process of using software to automate business sales and marketing efforts. A sales automation platform will typically include a CRM and marketing tools that are used for lead management, performance tracking, reporting, and forecasting.

This involves automating tasks in order to either save time or produce better results than if you had done them manually-or both.

In a nutshell, it’s an automated system that will take care of all aspects related to your business’ sales process.

The best sales automation tools will have the following features:

  • Lead Capture/Contacting Tools
  • Sales Forecasting Tools for Planning and Reporting
  • Marketing Automation
  • Lead Management Tools
  • Sales Engagement and Customer Support Systems

These are all features that sales professionals rely on. They help to make the process of selling more efficient, so it’s important for a company to have access to them in order to succeed.

Benefits of Sales Automation

1. Reduces Busy Work

One of the benefits of Sales Automation is that it reduces tedious, repetitive jobs for sales professionals.

Sales automation reduces the number of manual tasks you need to do, speeding up each day-to-day activity.

All the time spent by sales reps searching for prospects, mining LinkedIn profiles, and sending personalized emails can be easily done with much less effort. This leaves more time to actually sell products instead of wasting it on these tedious tasks!

2. Increased productivity and performance

Sales reps are able to do more work in a shorter period of time, which means they’ll be getting closer to their targets and bringing in higher profits.

3. Larger Reach & More Sales Opportunities

With automation you’re covering an increased number of potential leads with less effort, so your chances of making a sale are higher.

4. Speeds up the process

Sales reps are able to become more efficient by automating the time-consuming and often tedious tasks that they usually do.

5. Improves the accuracy of the sales process

Sales automation is a great way to improve the quality of sales data and make it more relevant.

6. Increase profit

Sales automation can help with target marketing and find prospects that are most likely to buy your product or service.

This is a great way for sales reps to get in front of the right people more quickly, resulting in higher conversion rates and an increase in customer retention.

Automation will help the sales reps to focus on more complex and time-consuming tasks like closing deals with customers and will give your company a competitive advantage by increasing customer acquisition, conversion rates, and revenue increases!

These are just some of the ways that sales automation can help your business.

How Does Automating The Sales Process Work?

So how do you automate the sales process?

The first step to automating the sales process is determining what needs to be automated.

Sales automation allows you to reduce the workload for a company’s marketing and sales teams by automating time-consuming tasks such as data entry, call scheduling, email marketing, lead generation, campaign management, outbound email communications (e.g., messages sent to non-responding leads), and more.

This is why they’re perfect candidates for automation. Once you know what tasks need automation, you can then decide which tools will best help your company achieve its goals.

Sales Automation CRM

The process of sales automation can be done in one way or many ways and there are different types of automated CRMs to help with this. You’ll need to find the one that’s best for you and your business.

What is CRM software?

CRM or Customer Relationship Management is a type of software designed to help manage customer relationships.

CRM is a program that manages all the interactions with your customers from the first contact to after you’ve delivered a product or service.

Sales Automation CRM is software that helps automate these interactions between sales, marketing, and customer support teams. It’s designed for companies that sell products through different channels.

This type of software is used to store all customer information, including contact and company data.

CRMs can be used for many different tasks such as lead management, event registration, email marketing campaigns, and more. CRM helps you stay in touch with customers through the entire sales process from beginning to end so that they feel known by you and your company. The point is it’s all about maintaining the health of your business and keeping up with your customer’s needs so you can establish and maintain long-term business relationships.

The best sales automation software is going to allow you to do these things with little or no extra work on your part.

How CRMs Help Automate The Sales Process

Sales reps have many responsibilities, and as much as they may want to keep up with every interaction and maintain all of their sales data in one place, there just isn’t enough time.

CRM software simplifies the process by automating tasks that are often repeated like lead management, event registration, email marketing campaigns, and more. CRM helps sales reps focus on what they’re best at – building relationships with customers.

1. Lead Management

There are many stages of lead management which includes lead generation, lead scoring, lead qualification, lead nurturing and lead conversion.

Lead generation is the process of capturing contact information and converting it into a qualified lead by using tactics like email marketing campaigns, content upgrades or webinar invitations. Don’t waste your time adding new leads manually! Use automations to drive lead information straight into your CRM from sources like website visitors or paid ads.

Not all prospects are created equal. Just because a potential buyer has shown interest does not mean they are your best lead.

In fact, some have a much higher probability of becoming customers than others.

This is where lead scoring systems are important. You need to be able to develop a system that takes different factors into account.

To use an example, has the lead never opened your marketing emails? Has the lead opened just one message from your sales team within a recent time frame but not responded to it?

Lead scoring assigns points based on a lead’s likelihood to convert into customers. Depending on the level of score, they can be classified as either warm or hot leads.

Lead Nurturing

The key now is to get these leads into qualified conversations – so, you have arrived! Now you can target the leads that have the most value for your company.

However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are ready to buy yet.

When sales automation is properly applied, it can be used to nurture leads at different stages of the sales funnel. There are 4 stages of the sales funnel: awareness, interest and evaluation, desire and action.

Every stage of the sales process, your leads will need a different way to be gently nudged toward purchasing.

Team Collaboration

Communication is key in any professional setting, and it becomes even more important as the company grows. Sales automation will gradually become needed to assist with the team’s sales process, particularly when automating various repetitive tasks in an organization’s workflow.

Sales Automation is the best way to maintain structure and keep your company on track by being efficient with time management. Team selling is a strategy that is used to maximize sales for your company.

A key element in team selling is collaboration where every member of the team has access to all customer data and can make adjustments as needed. Sales automation maximizes efficiency which makes it possible to have an effective team sales system.

When you’re doing collaboration right, your leads will never have to explain their situation over again. This means that both the person who’s passing them off and the one picking up from where they left off know exactly what needs to happen next for a lead-to-customer conversion.

Email Management

Sales reps send a lot of emails! Send targeted, personalized emails and promotional offers with the power of automation. Crafting complete email templates and generating email sequences for engaging with leads, is a simple way to add personalized content without having to manually recreate the same content again.

CRMs are a great way to automate your email efforts for both marketing and sales. Whether you want to create templates, send out weekly newsletters automatically, or create landing pages with templates, CRMs are great at automating the process of sending emails and making them more personalized by including customer data in each message.

The best way to automate is using a marketing CRM tool that lets you create targeted email campaigns with just a few clicks.

An essential sales lead automation tool for any company is needed if you want to send bulk email campaigns. With features like the ability to monitor your emails’ status, you can be sure all of them are delivered and opened by recipients. Plus, you can quickly customize them to the specific recipient and situation before sending them off.

Automating your sales process saves you time and the headache of manually creating emails for each customer, leads, or event.

3. Administrative tasks

Everyday tasks such as data entry, creating appointments with leads, sales calls, and invoicing can be done more efficiently with automation.

Sales data entry is redundant and requires a lot of time. If you automate CRM, you will reduce the work required for this process.

Schedule Appointments

Automating appointments is a time-saving and hassle-free way to schedule meetings. Forward your calendar link, which has the available appointment slots on it, so that leads can select their preferred slot from there. Then an invitation will be automatically sent as well as a reminder email before the meeting starts based on each person’s availability!

Sales Call

Why bother logging calls manually when you can automate that process? Call logging CRM can track every phone call made by your sales team. This provides the opportunity to have a record of each conversation, which can be used for mileage calculations and other work-related purposes. New conversation intelligence tools allow you to quickly see summaries of all your calls, transcribed and analyzed.


It can be a lot of work to stay on top of all those payments and the details involved in generating an invoice.

An automated invoice generator lets you automatically generate personalized invoices in a simple and systematic way.

4. Report Generation

One of the major benefits to automating reports is it can save time and money and it eliminates any inaccuracies that may come from human reporting errors. It’s also much more efficient and easy, as multiple reports can be created by choosing a set of variables like sales reps performance or KPIs needed for the report.

A CRM is an essential for sales automation. Sales automation is easier than ever when there’s a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) tool that makes things simple.

The best CRM tool for your company is going to depend on the company needs. It can be costly and time-consuming to find a CRM tool that has all of the necessary sales automation features needed by your company, so make sure you are honest about what type of CRM system your business really needs.

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