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7 Greatest Business Tools You Should Know About

When it comes to growing an organization, everyone wants effective tools and tactics to run the business operations smoothly. Right business tools for a specific job differentiate the success and failure of the business. Moreover, selecting the right tool for a particular job is not a child’s play. We are talking about business tools, but do you know what kind of tools it is? The business tools are the ones that are specifically designed to simplify business operations. Business tools influence its operations, connectivity with users, and competitiveness in the market.

It is a time to work smartly; that is why business owners replace manual tasks with technological advancements. Technological tools help employees and superiors, by working automatically, that means you can complete a specific working operation effectively without putting in more effort. Moreover, the automated tools are a one-time investment from which you can get unexpected results. In this article, we will discuss some business tools that you must know.

What Are The Tools That Helps The Business To Grow?

Nowadays, businesses adopt smart tools to simplify each job like social media posts for the promotion of business, cloud-based payroll solution for employee’s salary calculation, biometric punch for employee’s attendance, communication applications for assigning and submitting tasks, and whatnot? We can say the whole business is now under the figure tips. The following are the basic tools that help the business to grow like never before;

HR Tools

The human resource department is the heart of the business that requires a great deal of tracking and organizing the data of the employees. The primary tasks of the personnel manager are as follows;

  • The basic job of the HR manager is hiring the employees. They can use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc., as a hiring tool to announce the job vacancy. That tracks employees’ records and helps them to apply online.
  • Employee performance management is another essential task of a personnel manager. They can use AI-based tools to analyze workforce performance, which provides actionable insights to improve their productivity.
  • With the help of advanced HRIS, they can manage the remote workforce and analyze employee’s performance through HR data analytics.
  • They can use automated tools for salary and wages calculation, employees’ onboarding process, succession planning, etc.

Marketing Tools

For growing the business, you need to improve the experience of your user/customers because all the business has its rivals, and it takes only two minutes for the customer to switch over to your rivals. That is why customer satisfaction is a key to a successful business, and you must prioritize it.

  • Nowadays, marketers use social media pages to promote their products and attract potential users. Almost 73% of marketers believe social media marketing is an effective way to promote a business. Moreover, there are 3.78 billion active social media users, i.e., almost 48% of the total population, in which 84% of people are teenagers, 81% are youngsters, 73% are adults, and 45% of users are senior citizens. They spent almost 2.5 hours daily on social networks. Additionally, 54% of users use social media to research products, and almost 71% of users influence through attractive ads and other descriptions. There are two leading social platforms for online promotions, i.e., Facebook and Instagram. 68% of users get influence through Facebook, while Instagram has 5000 million active users. (Statistics/image source)
  • Marketers can use chatbots for conversation with existing and potential customers and solve their queries.
  • With the help of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools, they can improve the quality and quantity of visitors to its website.
  • They can use analytics tools, Google alerts, etc., to know the taste and preferences of potential clients.

Analytics Tools

You won’t be able to analyze the effectiveness of marketing. But analytical tools help you to measure your efforts. The following are some tools that help the marketers;

  • Google Analytics is a vast tool that helps you to analyze the traffic of your website, people’s engagement, etc.; moreover, it shows the visitors using mobile/laptop/tablet to operate the website, how much time they spent on a single page, etc. In short, google analytics gives the smallest detail of the traffic you get on your website.
  • Digital Analytics tools analyze the data collected through online marketing activities. As a result, you can improve customer experience by measuring their needs and preferences. Moreover, you can increase users’ engagement, loyalty, etc.

Accounting Tools

The accounting department of an organization manages the expenses and profit of the firm. They prepare a yearly balance sheet that shows assets and liabilities, a profit and loss statement that shows the firm’s revenue and expenses, and a cash flow statement that shows cash inflows and cash outflows. The manual calculation process contains many errors, which is why to manage a company’s accounts appropriately.

Web Hosting Tools

Web hosting allows individuals or businesses to make their websites accessible through the World Wide Web (WWW). WordPress hosting provides the best features that add value to your websites to attract customers. WordPress is a content management system that provides you with free templates for your website, you can choose one and create your own website, and SEO tools help to create organic traffic on your website.

Project Management Tools

Project management tools are designed to manage the documents and activities, make schedules and timelines, solve the issues, manage the risk, reduce the cost of a particular project, etc. Cloud-based technological tools and timesheets are the best tools used by the specific project management team. They can store an individual’s work in a cloud, and the project leader can compile the tasks as they complete the project with the help of files stored in the cloud. In addition, teammates can report their work and store the details of the daily task in a single timesheet which allows multi-users to work on the same sheet at a time.

Employee Engagement Tools

Employee engagement is a workplace approach that ensures improvement in employee’s productivity that directly boosts the profitability of the firm.

  • With the help of AI-based analytical tools, managers can analyze employee engagement, and if they find a lacking point that hurts their productivity, then they can arrange re-training sessions for employees.
  • Implementation of digitalization and technological advancements in the working premises can improve employees’ experience that increase their satisfaction, and boost their engagement.


Advanced tools and tactics improve customers’ experience that boost the business, and it increases employees’ satisfaction so that you will never face issues like high employee turnover rate, lower employee engagement, productivity, high absenteeism, etc. If a one-time investment grows the business as you wish, then why don’t you implement it today only? And trust me, technological changes are not rocket science that is hard to understand.

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