Best Open Source Configuration Management Database (cMDB) Software
CMDB is part of the configuration management process. The concept of CMDB, proposed by ITIL, involves the creation of a comprehensive repository of information about the company’s IT environment.
i-doit CMDB & IT Documentation: Open Source Solution for your IT. i-doit is a web based Open Source IT documentation and CMDB (Configuration Management Database). i-doit documents IT-systems and offers a lot of interfaces.

CMDBuild, CMDB open source per la gestione degli asset IT – ITIL. CMDBuild® is a configurable web application to model and manage a database containing assets and handle related workflow operations.The aim is to let the operators have full control of the assets used, knowing exactly composition, position, functional relations and history.

Combodo – logiciel CMDB et logiciel ITSM open source iTop. Solutions logicielles open source pour la CMDB, la Gestion de services, l’ITSM. Découvrez des outils ITIL puissants pour votre IT Management (ou gestion de votre SI), tel que le célèbre iTop, bien au-delà des classiques fonctionnalités HelpDesk – ServiceDesk, Ticketing, etc.

OneCMDB is a CMDB aimed at small and medium sized businesses. OneCMDB can be used as a stand-alone CMDB to keep track of software and hardware assets and their relations. Thanks to its open API:s it can also be a flexible and powerful Configuration Management engine for other Service Management software.

We’ve choosen the best features of DCIM, Asset Mgmt and CMDB systems to create one, easy and well integrated system.

Open Asset Database with CMDB allows you to define your own asset types & sub types specifying your own properties for each type. Define relationships and track Hardware & Software orders for inventory reporting to help with ITIL compliance.

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Permanent Address :- Montville, NJ
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