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Packaging Essentials You Need To Start Your E-Commerce Business

E-commerce startups are increasingly popular as selling goods from an online platform ensures entrepreneurs can avoid the high cost of retail rental spaces as you can start your business from the comfort of your home. While there are several cost-saving benefits of creating an e-commerce business when compared to a traditional retail business, you will need to invest in a few things. Office equipment and packaging essentials will be your first significant cost, and the good news is that they won’t cost you all that much. While there’s no doubt you already know what kind of office equipment you need for your home business, we have listed the packaging essentials you will need to get started shipping orders to your first customers.

Label Printer

While you might be able to use an ordinary home office printer to create labels for packages, this option won’t give professional results. Opting for a labeler is the best solution when it comes to creating professional labels for your packages. What’s more, you can also use labelers to create unique packaging for your products. Therefore, a labeler is an invaluable investment in starting your e-commerce business on a professional note.

Corrugated Boxes

You will need corrugated boxes to ship your products to customers, and as this is a staple when shipping anything, you should consider finding a supplier that will help you save on the costs. Even though boxes aren’t all that pricey, keeping your costs low is essential. Be sure to consider the specific sizes you will need, while it is also essential to keep a stock of boxes at all times in case you run into any delays with your box supplier.

Bubble Cushion

Everyone loves bubble wrap, although you won’t be popping the bubbles to pass the time when starting up an e-commerce store. It is best to opt for a stock of bubble cushion wrap instead of other potentially more affordable alternatives such as tissue paper or newspaper as bubble cushion will protect your products while being shipped while ensuring your customers receive their orders in a professional manner.

Quality Packaging Tape

Standard sellotape really won’t do the trick when shipping packages to your customers, as you will need quality packaging tape. What’s more, it is always best to opt for clear tape instead of colored brown tape as the clear version looks better. Even high-quality packaging tape is quite affordable, so purchasing a large stock won’t set you back financially at all.

Slip Envelopes

Slip envelopes are essential for a professionally shipped package containing your business’s unique products. While you could tape down a printed paper containing the shipping details for the order, packaging slip envelopes are best as they will protect the order document while your package is on route to its destination.

Packaging your products to ship to clients may not seem as important as the actual packaging design of your products. However, your customers will be evaluating your business’s standards based on all the details. If even one customer receives an order in a broken box with a ripped shipping receipt, your business’s reputation will be questioned.

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