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10 Reasons Your Business Needs to Start Mobile App Development

Apart from smartwatches, smartphones are the most personal gadgets ever. 77 % of American adults own a smartphone finding them rather helpful than annoying. People check their smartphones throughout the day spending almost three hours on a smartphone.

Even more important: around a half of US adults purchase via smartphone adults. They not just make online purchases but refer to their devices while being brick-and-mortar stores to get more information, find a better price or ask read a review about the purchase.

Mobile apps or responsive websites?

An important note: statistics say people spend on mobile apps more time than on responsive (or mobile) websites. However, an app is the next step in mobile strategy and businesses should have both available for their clients in order to maximize their audience. While an app has more features under the hood and works faster, a responsive website is intended for those customers who are not aware of your mobile app but find you via Google search.

Here is why businesses start mobile app development aiming to save their clients’ efforts:

1. Improved customer experience

Customers prefer mobile technologies because they can quickly access the information when and where they need it. Mobile apps become a must for retail helping clients compare, order, pay, choose delivery options, and much more on one device just in a few taps.

2. Sales growth

Users love convenience. When they get the same quality service via a mobile app in fewer steps, they are willing to buy more (e.g., no need to stay in a queue in order to pay, compare competitive products in two or three taps, read characteristics etc.)

3. Push notifications

This can be notifications on the order status so that the customers always know what happens with their purchase. Also, shops can notify the clients on special occasions, changes in the working hours, delivery time and so on. The advantage of a push notification: unlike traditional SMSs, it is delivered to the receiver as soon as he/she gets connected to the Internet.

4. Simplified buying process

Mobile apps optimize sales process enabling customers to do all steps on one device. Moreover, when struggling they can easily show shop assistants from the catalog what exactly they want, discuss similar items, ask for the best priced based on their reward program (see below.) and pay via mobile valet.

5. Customer analytics

Apps help gather user statistics in a more structured way. Apart from the features all ecommerce websites can have like purchasing history, data on user activity, saved to favorites etc., apps enable to track customer behavior. For example, when BLE beacons of Wi-Fi tracking is integrated into an app, it helps monitor more precisely how much time people spend at a shop, where they linger, what items they compare to determine why they choose.

6. Customer loyalty and reward programs

Via apps, brands inform users on upcoming events, discounts and bonuses. Users do not have to carry coupons or loyalty cards when going shopping; they just need to display a QR on the smartphone screen to be further scanned by an assistant.

7. Direct communication channel

Customer can get their feedback immediately. They can get in touch with the support directly from the app and save important information in their history. In return, brands.

8. Cheap advertising channel

Businesses can send notifications on the upcoming events, special offers, and sales discounts and be sure that the addressee receives them while it will cost them as much as posting on Facebook or Twitter.

9. Brand awareness development

Those who get to the user smartphones, get to their mind. It is easier to remind about the brand when customer see a brand logo each time they look on the smartphone screen.

10. New audience

Customers will recommend a convenient and friendly app to their friends and relatives creating a word-of-mouth thus, engaging new customers to try the services of recommended company.

It is crucial for every business to build communication in the most convenient manner. Most of the customers have already adopted smartphones and use on them the everyday basis. Mobile apps can save their time by letting them have all functionality in one place.

In order to ensure best customer experience, it is important to choose a reliable mobile development company who will care the technical part of the project. will help you with app development starting from requirements through coding and QA to publishing on the app store and post-launch support.

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