15 Most Recommended SEO Tools
You need an optimal and authoritative site that will put the world under the armpits, right? Have used Accurate Rank Tracker and other technological tools to bring your site to super life? Hold on for software that will generate a stampede to your website.
1. Key Word Tracking Tool
As a sole manager of your website, you need to know the keywords that bring traffic to your site. Breed the top ranking keywords to increase the user experience. Use keyword tracking to identify the most competitive keywords in your niche and up the game.
2. Authority Spy
Don’t let information pass by your ears. Espionage is the function of this software. You get to discover popular people and blogs in your area of practice-niche. Learning from the already excelling is a free-first hand data you need.
3. Link Building Tool
Linking Building tool replaces your sweat. No more spreadsheets and supervisions. With this program, you will be able to know your site rank. Knowing your performance is the only way to to tie loose ends.
4. Backlinks SEO
Backlink SEO is a monitoring tool that gives you notifications in case you loose a link or a link is added to your site. The backlink program will provide the following information:
Broken kinks URL
Added links URL
Time and date a new link was added
Status Landing page
5. Social Media Tools
For you to get a robust engaging content, please, set your feet at the heart of your targeted market. Listen and know their needs. You don’t need to travel; Social Media Tool software will be handy.
SMT is a leading stick to access the widely discussed and uptrend topics. Isn’t this what you need? Craft a content-based solution on this and you hit the snake on the head.
6. Website Crawler
You are a manager/supervisor in your company or business; you need information from different departments, good and bad report from “trusted” informers.
A new informer is The Web Crawler, it crawls from page to page in your website and collects all the information about the links within and without, common words and phrases, etc.
7. Rank Tracker
Know how your site is doing. Likely, you fidget a lot when you sense a drop. Your savior is here. Rank Tracker will show you how your keywords are performing in the ranking and therefore, an opportunity to salvage the performance.
8. Site Auditor
It is an awful feeling to even imagine that your ranking is dropping or not gaining mileage. Could it be technical errors on your site leading to the underperformance? Grab a Site Auditor to do the analysis and diagnose all the technicalities ranging from backlinks et al.
9. Google Analytic
Are you a website owner who would like to turn your leads to customers? Do you want a cut out product for specific population geographically? Google Analytic is a perfect fit. The software shows you who visits your website, their behavior, and how they visit. Not sorted? The next tool will.
10. Competitors Inspector
If you are in business yet you don’t know what and how your rivals are doing in the market, the best advice will be for you to quit. Get a competitor’s tool and learn their tactics, rankings, and activities. Turn their tactics to your advantage.
11. Google Console
The human characteristics of a website need a Google Console Tool. The software keeps your site healthy and does not relent to inform you of any technical mishappenings. Don’t run a ‘Sick” website.
12. Web Speed Tool
By now you should have discovered that no market tolerates incompetence and delaying people’s service is just an example. Let your website download pages in the least milliseconds ever. A slow site is irritable to your visitor.
Plagiarism free tools
Don’t let your website be a site of duplicated information. The market needs fresh, informative content. Try to use:
13. Copy scape
14. Content Checker
Copyscape will monitor other websites and published materials while content checker will monitor the pages on your site.
15. Server Header Checker
A MUST-HAVE tool for your site. It ensures free crawling of the spider by detecting blockages or even redirects. It is a user-friendly tool.
The tools you need are for the enhancement of your web. To give the site a global look and a competitive muscle besides delivering quality content to your customers.

Entrepreneur, writer, digital strategist & growth hacker. I use social media, online marketing & SEO to help businesses grow.