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Difference between Virtual Assistant vs Employee

So what are the differences between virtual assistant vs employee ? Being a virtual assistant is a very interesting thing to do, but there are still some people who do not understand the real differences between a virtual assistant and a real employee or personal assistant. Other than the “physical” vs “virtual” nature, there are other differences that you need to know between a physical assistant (or employee) and a virtual assistant. This article will discuss some points that create huge differences between a virtual and a real office assistant. Let’s look at them one by one.

1. Workplace and time

Being a virtual assistant means that you can work from your preferred location such as your home or even a cafe. You do not need to worry to come into the office just like real employee of personal assistant. You can also choose what time to work instead of working 8 to 5 everyday (or 9 to 6, 10 to 7, etc). This provides much higher working flexibility. In some cases, it can actually increase your working effectiveness and efficiency as you can choose to work at your most productive time.

2. Employer – employee interaction

Unlike real employees who meet with their employer in the real world, there is no such thing when you choose to work as a virtual assistant (except maybe if you live in the same city with your employer). This is because the only place where both employer and employee need to meet is through the internet (eg. VA sites such as Odesk or Of course, you can still do some things that real employees do such as talking to your employer, but the difference is you can do that by chatting, video conferencing, sending and receiving e-mails, texting etc.

3. Education

In the real world, in order to become an employee or an office assistant, most of the time you are required to have some formal education or at least training and courses in your work related fields. But when you choose to work as a virtual assistant, you don’t need to have this education. This is because as long as you have built your work portfolio , have outstanding previous working experiences and feedbacks, good work ethics, and responsible for your job, there is a high chance of being hired as a virtual assistant. Although in some cases there are also some employers that require virtual assistant who have formal education background to work for their company.

4. Employee’s right

This may be one of the main differences that virtual assistant and an employee may have. In the real world, if you choose to work as an employee, once hired you will be given not only your working responsibilities but also rights as an employee. This may include health insurance, superannuation, annual leave etc., but when you choose to work as virtual assistant, the only right you will get is your fees for your services (unless the company mentioned otherwise).

5. Fees

Fees become the next difference. If you choose to become a VA, most likely you will get higher hourly salary. This is because, in relation to the previous difference, all the rights that an employee or personal assistant supposed to receive has been counted in your virtual assistant hourly wage. The employer holds no responsibility about paying your taxes, superannuations, insurances etc. However in most cases that ever recorded, virtual assistant will only receive higher salary than an employee if he/she has proven working experience in the past as well as all skills and experiences needed to finish the jobs offered by the employers.

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