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EPub Conversion Services are Beneficial to Small Businesses

The entire self-publishing process is costly so it’s important that you get it right the first time. That’s why it’s so important that you find the right EPub conversion service provider. Many people rely on those automatic conversion programs that litter the market, but I can tell you from first-hand experience that they don’t work. There is so much hidden formatting in Word and PDF files that cause those programs to transform your book into a messy excuse of a document.

A lot of entrepreneurs never consider just how valuable it is to publish a book, so I feel that we should look at some of those reasons before moving on.

  • Books are the modern-day business card.
  • Shows you as an expert in your industry.
  • Books are a powerful networking tool.
  • Books provide an additional income while marketing your business.
  • We live in the age of content and books serve as outstanding content.

The truth is the ePub conversion services make it quicker and easier than ever to become a self-published author. The best providers have an easy-to-follow process that makes the publishing process much easier. Now we’re going to look at a few ways that ePub services will benefit your small business. We’re already seen that publishing a book is beneficial but what is it that makes ePub conversion services one of the best investments you can make?

Not All Books Are Created Equal

There are so many self-published authors on the market today that it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. The good news is that books converted into eBook formats correctly gain a huge advantage simply because most self-published authors don’t take this vital step.

It’s essential that your book be placed in ecommerce stores since the majority of books are sold as eBooks. Just remember that not all books are created equal so invest in the quality of your book by hiring an expert.

Makes Images Work Flawlessly

One of the biggest mistakes that I see with EPub books is that images look out of place. They are often low quality and don’t really flow well with the content. EBook conversion services will ensure that your book’s images are properly placed throughout the content. One of the main problems is that HD devices tend to require specialised formatting. Images that are not formatted correctly will show up extremely small on HD devices, which is not an easy fix. Fortunately, experts have the skillset to meet this challenge.

Have a Professional Table of Contents

Anyone can slap together a table of contents, place links, and then hope that it works. However, the top tier eBooks contain a perfectly formatted navigational control interface that adds to the reader experience. Most self-published authors simply create a table of contents in Word and then call that “good enough.” However, if you want your book to excel over the rest of the competition then you need a professionally crafted table of contents.

Embedded Fonts are Disastrous

Another mistake that I often see is that entrepreneurs try to export their InDesign file as an ePub. The problem is that InDesign utilises embedded fonts and those are going to wreak havoc for eReading devices. Your goal is to create a reflowable book because readers are able to change their preferences. Professional ePub conversion services will ensure that your book is reflowable so that it meets the standards expected by readers.

One more final note that I feel compelled to add is that the best ePub conversion services will be able to prove and describe their process in detail. Make sure that they are not using automated programs to convert your book.

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