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POS Cash Drawer wiki

With any point of sale system, you’ll need a compatible POS cash drawer. This way you can ensure that both the computer and register will work together, so that you can operate your business the same as normal. This is the only way to ensure that your transactions can flow smoothly. Problematic cash registers are frustrating to employees, and annoying to customers. When either group is excessively frustrated with the system in place, your business can’t run as effectively as you would like it to. The only way to ensure the operation goes the way in which you want your business to run is to purchase a POS cash drawer.

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The main thing to look for will be a POS cash drawer that’s compatible with the system you have in place, or the system that you are designing. Some things to think about include the way in which the drawer opens, as well as the type of security that the drawer employs. But before thinking about the type of POS cash drawer that will apply to you, you’ll want to consider the system that you have in place, or are planning to purchase.

There are two main systems which require the use of a POS cash drawer, computer cash registers and touch screen registers. The standard register will already have a drawer attachment, and so won’t require the use of purchasing one separately. That means with touch screen and computer models you’ll want to find the POS cash drawer that’s compatible with your system. Always be sure that the drawer is compatible, otherwise you could run into trouble. Either the drawer won’t function at all, or worse, you could have problems in the middle of a transaction, and that isn’t fun for anybody, customer or employee.

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You’ll also want to consider the type of locking mechanism that the POS cash drawer employs, and choose the one that seems most secure to you. That means considering both time release, and key operated locks. Almost all cash registers feature time release locks in which the drawer can only be opened when a sale is made, otherwise the drawer remains closed. But there are also POS cash drawers that feature key holes that can be opened by anyone with a key. These can be handy in an emergency, or to give change when a register just isn’t working properly.  Otherwise you’ll have to rely on your electronics.

When you’re looking to buy any type of POS cash drawer, you’ll want to find a store that specializes in retail supplies. Some good places to go locally include a store like Staples, who have everything that a business needs to run. They have a selection of drawers for any system. You can also find a good POS cash drawer selection using websites like Buy or Amazon. Typically the average drawer can cost between $100 and $300 depending upon the type of construction that you choose. Remember to find a drawer that you’re comfortable with, as a lot will be riding on your selection.

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