Best Uptime Monitoring Services
Nowadays not only the quality of a website is important for the Internet business, but also its availability and capability to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long. Even though hosting providers declare of a relatively high uptime of servers and working platforms, it is not always enough to be sure about reliability of a website. Availability monitoring and capability monitoring of the core parts of a website represent the great aid in ensuring the website reliability. Let’s see how we can ensure it these days.
Regular check
One of the most common methods is a regular check of the website capability. You can do it by yourself by opening a website of your favorite company or an online store in the mornings, then you make sure it is working and close the page. This is not very convenient and efficient. Availability issues are usually unpredictable. It is better that you notice them right as they appear. Moreover, very often customers help you. They call or text you that the website is not working (if contact information is somewhere outside the website, of course). The most common signal of out-of-service website is when you no longer have increasing number of customers. In that case website owners usually ring the alarm and try to figure out what happened, then tear hair and put ashes and salt on everything. However, they could avoid it.
Availability monitoring
Better expertised website owners or website managers responsible for a website acknowledge the importance of regular availability monitoring – checking on whether the website is working or not. The most common mistake here is the wrong choice of monitoring frequency. Daily check is good, but daily profit losses caused by monitoring are much bigger. The optimal choice is a ten-minute interval since most customers return to the site within the next 1-2 hours, and during that time you can both detect problems and resolve them efficiently without much harm to the company’s business.
On the other hand, more frequent checks do not guarantee that the problem will be fixed quickly within than an hour. After all, most of the time is being spent not so much on finding the problems but on trying to clarify their causes and their fixing.
Issue monitoring
When the website availability level site is becoming critical for business – particularly crucial is the presence of “floating” problems associated with the coincidence of circumstances – routine monitoring is getting low. It is necessary to monitor multiple site parameters at a frequency of at least once a minute and from several geographical points (to mostly cover the minute interval and checks to establish the possible problems associated with the geography of users). Among the possible check options we can derive the following:
- DNS server issues (when the website address cannot be determined in certain periods of time, but the website itself is physically accessible).
- Response time issues (for instance, with the update of cache or with “heavy” tasks at the server side).
- Tasks performance issues (when the website results to be unavailable in certain periods of time).
- Static files timeout issues (for instance, due to the network infrastructure or the physical data drive issues).
- Database connection issues.
- and other problems.
In that case the minutely site monitoring from different locations (either with the help of several autonomous platforms or checkpoints). Monitoring can be either of short duration (when the problem is detected and resolved) or periodical (as a preventative measure). Regular self-check is also possible, but external monitoring is much better than internal one. External services additionally provide precise information on the problems up to error logs on the customer side (and with corresponding settings – to error logs on the server side).
This tool is especially good when you need to fix some “floating” error. When you switch on the detailed logs of the occurring error if on the server side the error details are absent, you can detect and resolve those errors. Several checkpoints let you get the monitoring as frequent as once in ten seconds and this is more than enough to detect anything you want.
Capability monitoring
This topic is especially urgent for online stores for which ordering or sending a query are crucial. Any complex functionality relates here which can be affected by changes on the website (for instance, the internet banking account). In this case you need to set up check chains or make the environment difficult for monitoring execution. You will hardly make it without the help of an expert, but nowadays there are many platforms and different software helping to automate the functional website monitoring.
It is very simple to assess how monitoring important for the site: it is enough to count the day income created by the site and to compare it to the cost of this monitoring. Then, to understand how much is each hour of the site being idle time during working hours, and to make the decision on the efficiency of monitoring and its specification (regardless of whether it is a simple availability monitoring, monitoring of working capacity or complex monitoring of all possible problems).
Best Uptime Monitoring Services:
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Website Uptime and Downtime Monitoring | Uptimia. Website monitoring service. Monitor your website uptime, the most important feature functionality, loading speed and much more. Be notified if something goes wrong.

Uptime Robot. Free Website Uptime Monitoring. 50 Monitors, Checked Every 5 Minutes, Totally Free.

FREE Website Monitoring & Monitoring Software from Monitor.Us. FREE monitoring software, website monitoring, application and software monitoring tools. All-in-one FREE monitoring software and tools from Monitor.Us.

Pingdom – Website Monitoring Made Easy. With website monitoring from Pingdom you will be the first to know when your website is down. No installation required. 30-day free trial.

Free website monitoring service: Montastic. Receive instant alert notification when your website goes down. Easy to use user interface.

Website Monitoring, Website Monitoring Service, Server Monitoring: Site24x7. Site24x7 offers both free & paid website monitoring services. Monitor websites remotely and receive instant email/sms alerts if your website becomes unavailable. View uptime & performance graphs of your website monitors.

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SiteUptime – Website and Server Monitoring Service. Siteuptime provides website monitoring services. Receive instant email and SMS alerts when your website becomes unavailable. View detailed uptime statistics and performance reports for your website monitors.

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Instantly activate a website monitoring service with alert escalation and muli-recipient alert scheduling. Easily upgrade the website monitor to web application performance monitoring.

Web server & web site monitoring services by WebSitePulse. Web server and web site monitoring services. Instant alerts via pager, phone and e-mail. Make sure your eBusiness is functioning 24/7. Real-time web based statistics and performance reports. Global worldwide monitoring stations. Free service.

StatusCake | Website Uptime Monitoring & Alerts – Free Unlimited Downtime Monitoring.

Top Uptime Monitoring Services:
MONTOOLS.COM – Free Website Monitoring, Uptime, Alerts, Reports and Graphs. Free website uptime monitoring and alert service. Free email alerts, sms alerts, twitter alerts, multiple monitoring locations, and more…
LIVEWATCH.DE – Server-monitoring, Server Monitoring, Website Monitoring, Uptime monitoring with e-mail sms messages and phone alarm.
NEWRELIC.COM – Free server monitoring. Monitor server resources that impact application performance with New Relic Server. Runs on Linux and Windows.
ANTURIS.COM – Cloud-based Monitoring Service for Servers, Networks and Websites, IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tool – Anturis.
PINGABILITY.COM – Pingability. Pingability is a server and website monitoring and alert service. It monitors your server or website and alerts you when it goes down.
GOTSITEMONITOR.COM – Website Monitoring • Free Website Uptime Monitor. Website Monitoring – Monitor your website uptime and HTTP/FTP/SMTP/POP3 services. Real-time Phone and SMS alerts. Free website monitor available.
MYHOSTINGUPTIME.COM – Web Hosting Uptime – Free Website Monitoring Services. Web hosting uptime monitoring system. We offer FREE website monitoring service, provided 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
MONITIVE.COM – | Awesome Uptime Monitoring. Smart site uptime monitoring with Monitive. One minute checks, worldwide, SMS alerts, Push notifications, latency and uptime reports.
SERVERMOJO.COM – Remote server monitoring – check your dedicated or virtual server uptime and get notifications for free –! Free dedicated server monitoring and notification service.
PORT-MONITOR.COM – Port Monitor – Website and server monitoring made simple! Port Monitor is an easy tool that does website and server monitoring 24/7 every 60 seconds for free. It records uptime, performance and downtime causes.
DOWNNOTIFIER.COM – – free quality website monitoring.
UPTIMEDOCTOR.COM – Be the first to know when your website goes down. Receive alerts by email, SMS and push notification. Sign up FREE!
SITE-MONITORING.NET – FREE Website Monitoring – Keep your site up and running. Site-Monitoring.NET is the only ABSOLUTELY FREE Website Monitoring service. Enter your websites and get free notifications, reports and statistics.
FREESITESTATUS.COM – Free Website / Server Uptime Monitoring, SMS / Email Alerts – Free website and server monitoring. Remote website, web server & server monitoring from worldwide locations with SMS & Email alerts.
MONITORSCOUT.COM – Monitor Scout – Overview. Monitor Scout delivers high-end website and server monitoring through an external monitoring network with 25 locations across the globe.
UPTIMEDOG.COM – Uptime Dog: Free Website Uptime Monitoring Service. Free uptime monitoring service. Monitors availability of your website every 2 minutes 24/7/365.
SUPERMONITORING.COM – Super Monitoring – website monitoring powered by superheroes. Affordable uptime monitoring service for webmasters and website owners. Have your website or server checked every minute and get alerted instantly.
DOTCOM-MONITOR.COM – Web & Application Performance Monitoring: Dotcom-Monitor. Remotely monitor the performance and uptime of your network, servers and applications. Dotcom-Monitor Application Performance Monitoring (APM) SaaS.
UPTRENDS.COM – Uptrends – Website Monitoring and Server Monitoring. Maximize your uptime and optimize for performance with 24/7 network, server, and website monitoring by Uptrends. Try it free for 4-weeks!
ALERTRA.COM – Website Monitoring Service | Site Monitoring | Alertra.
ALERTFOX.COM – Website Uptime and Performance Monitoring | AlertFox. A subscription-based uptime and web performance monitoring service, AlertFox makes it easy to find website performance problems before your users do.
WORMLY.COM – Server Monitoring, Web Site Monitoring and Uptime Monitoring | Wormly. Wormly offers server monitoring, website monitoring and uptime monitoring to keep you online and performing fast. Remote monitoring from outside the firewall alerts you when failures occur, while internal server health monitoring reveals problems before they cause downtime.
MONITIS.COM – Network & IT Systems Monitoring – Monitis. Monitor and manage your websites, servers, networks, cloud systems & applications for performance and reliability. Get your Monitis 15 day free trial now!
IDERA.COM – IDERA | IT Infrastructure Performance & SQL Server Tools. IDERA empowers database and IT pros to monitor and manage data center environments with confidence. Try our infrastructure performance and SQL software for free.
AREWEONLINE.COM – Website Performance, Uptime and Server Monitoring | Are We Online. Are We Online is a website & server monitoring service. We monitor your domains, response time, domain expirations, visible content, and review comments.
INTERNETVISTA.COM – internetVista® monitoring – website and internet services uptime monitoring – Uptime is money. Remotely monitors web sites and Internet services for availability (http, https, smtp, ftp, dns, pop, imap, smtp, nntp, tcp, udp, ping, mysql). Notifications sent via email and SMS. Monitoring centres in United States and Europe. Free service available.
AREMYSITESUP.COM – Are My Sites Up? – Website monitoring – Simple, easy website uptime and website downtime monitoring since 2009. SIMPLE Website monitoring. When your websites go down, be the first to know.
OBSERVU.COM – Site and Server Monitoring Dashboard – Observu. Site and Server Monitoring dashboard that monitors your webpages, API, webservices, servers, applications and whatever you can submit to the API.
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