Best Financial Risk Management Software For Small Business
Financial risk management software is as important to a business as fundraising is vital to a charity. Risk Solutions provides clients with customized software to identify and quantify risks in all lines of insurance, reinsurance, and related enterprises.
Best Financial Risk Management Software For Small Business:
Active Risk | Embrace Risk. Build Value. Active Risk is the first Enterprise Risk Management solution provider to create competitive advantage by increasing an organization’s risk-bearing capacity.
Active Risk provides Enterprise Risk Management software that drives business performance and corporate growth by providing a new set of management information that enables more informed decision making about certainty within the business model.

SoftTarget. Wealth Portfolio Manager, Institutional Manager, Group Retirement Plans Administrator, Compliance Officer and Robot Adviser sponsor.

Protecht. We offer complete and cost effective risk management solutions to help you achieve your strategic objectives.

Technology Providers for Financial Industry – Argo SE. Custom trading platforms. Quality software components for asset-agnostic, multi-user trading environments. White Labeling.

CreditPoint Software. Our mission is to provide the most comprehensive commercial credit risk and collections solutions available. There’s a better way to manage your credit and collections processes. Let us show you.

Resolution : The authority on derivative pricing. Resolution is a company that specialises in derivative pricing. That is our primary focus, with an objective to be the pre-eminent provider of derivative pricing advice. We specialise in Excel add-ins for option pricing, bond pricing, and valuation of a wide range of other financial instruments.

Information System for Finance Management | zeb control. zeb.control is an information system for the professional presentation of all profit, risk and cost figures for banking, insurance and health care industries.

TFG Systems : trading, risk, operational and cash management | TFG. TFG Financial Systems provides an institutional quality platform for cross-asset portfolio and real time risk management to hedge funds, asset managers, and banks.

Palisade Corporation: Maker of Risk & Decision Analysis Software using Monte Carlo Simulation. Software for risk and decision analysis, including @RISK and the DecisionTools Suite. Avoid risk by using Monte Carlo Simulation and optimization to show possible outcomes directly in your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

GearSoft – Financial software made easy. Gearsoft develops user friendly advanced financial applications.

Asset Control – Financial Data Management Solutions. The Financial and Enterprise Data Management solution experts, leading the way in fintech since 1991, originators of the Golden Copy of data.

We are leading financial market specialist and provide products and services to various players in the financial markets including financial institutions, stock exchanges, clearing corporations, investment banks and corporate treasuries.

Zementis. We provide software solutions that enable organizations to harness the power of their data to rapidly deliver insights for informed business decisions.

Bayesian Network and Simulation Software for Risk Analysis and Decision Support.

PANALYTIX: Splash Screen. Cap-Swaption Volatility Arbitrage 3-D Graph.

AQMetrics | Know Your Risk. Always Be Compliant. AQMetrics Integrated Compliance and Surveillance Software is used for the analysis, quantification and evaluation of compliance risks.

Financial Sciences :: Software for Corporate Treasury, Banks and Debt Issuers. Financial Sciences provides ATOM and other fixed-income software solutions to corporate treasuries, banks, finance companies and debt issuers.

Reinsurance Group of America. AURA is a global leader in automated underwriting. It packages RGA’s unparalleled underwriting experience and knowledge into technology…

MSCI – MSCI. MSCI is a leading provider of investment decision support tools worldwide. Our line of products and services includes indexes, analytical tools, data, real estate benchmarks and ESG research.

Bectran is the all-in-one B2B trade credit processing solution that lets you process your customers’ credit application from credit application initiation down to credit analysis, decision and approval. Speed up your B2B trade credit processing by 90%.

Investment & Risk Management Software for Banks–IAM–Family Offices | SAGE Prospero. SAGE offers BlackSwan and the Prospero suite of financial software solutions for wealth, risk and portfolio management for the banks, IAM and Family Offices.

Enterprise & Financial Risk Management, Cross Asset Trading Platform | Calypso. Calypso is the leading technology platform for cross asset trading, accounting, processing and enterprise risk management.

Across the Front, Middle and Back office, RPM brings to market a world-class platform that facilitates complete automation for many of today’s resource intensive reporting requirements. It is now a mission-critical platform serving many of North America’s largest Utilities and Energy focused companies.


Collateral Management & Regulatory Compliance Solutions – Lombard Risk. Lombard Risk is one of the world’s leading providers of collateral management, risk management and regulatory compliance software to financial organisations.

Commodity Trading & Risk Management Solutions – Triple Point Technology, Inc. Triple Point Technology provides solutions for commodity trading, energy and oil risk management, and logistics.

Compliance Software For Proactive Compliance Management | ComplyGlobal. ComplyGlobal is a cloud-based global compliance management software to manage your risks proactively. Contact us to streamline your compliance management.

Smarter Decisions with ACTICO. ACTICO is a leading international provider of software solutions and technologies for decision management.

Compuscan | Credit Management Solutions. Get complete confidence in making and managing credit risk decisions. As a world class credit bureau we provide trusted information, credit reports, credit scores, software and credit management solutions.

Loan Origination Software & Solutions | CRIF Lending Solutions. Providing loan origination and lending software, outsourced loan processing and analytics to banks, credit unions, retailers and finance companies.

CRS Risk. Corporate Risk Systems (CRS) is accredited by NEBOSH, IOSH, IEMA, CIEH, CITB and City & Guilds to deliver health, safety and environmental (HSE) training in the UK and internationally. Winners of seventeen UK and international business awards since 1999, CRS is ISO 9001, an Investor in People and 100% carbon-free.

eFront » Software for Private Equity, Real Estate, and Risk Management.

Centerprise. We are a software and services company, who for over 15 years has focused exclusively on providing modular, yet integrated solutions for the alternative investment management and banking industries. Our applications run very large hedge funds to small start up funds, while, in the banking sector.

ETNA Trader – White Label Trading Platform for Brokers. ETNA Trader: White Label Trading Platform – HTML5 and Mobile Trading Terminal, Middle and Back Office, OMS API, Live and Simulated Trading.

Energy Design Resources. EDR offers a valuable palette of decision-making tools and resources that help make it easier to design, build, and operate energy-efficient buildings in California.

Best risk management systems:
FISERV.COM – Financial Services Technology, Mobile Banking, Payments | Fiserv. Fiserv is a provider of technology solutions to the financial world, including banks, credit unions, securities processing organizations, insurance companies, finance companies and mortgage banks.
WOLTERSKLUWERFS.COM – Our risk management solutions were created solely for financial services and deliver the processes, best practices, regulatory intelligence, and analytics required by this highly regulated industry.
FIRM58.COM – Firm58 | Trading Firm and Broker Dealer Back Office Automation Solutions. Firm58 provides cloud-based broker dealer and trading firm back office automation solutions, including profit analysis, compliance and surveillance, CSA and soft dollar management, compensation, accounting, position reporting and billing.
BARBECANA.COM – Full Monte Project Risk Analysis from Barbecana. Barbecana offers software add-ins for Microsoft Project, Full Monte and Schedule Inspector. It is an affordable schedule risk analysis software for the project management industry that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Project 2007 and higher. Our quantitative risk analysis software is perfect for project simulation, project scheduling, and more.
HSOFTWARE.COM – Electronic Trading – Horizon Software – Trade Your Way. Electronic trading software provider including Automated Trading, DeltaOne Trading, Options Trading, Warrants Trading and Asset Management solutions.
EKAPLUS.COM – Commodity Trading and Risk Management Software by Eka | CTRM Software. Eka is the global leader in providing Smart Commodity Management software solutions, the next-generation of CTRM software and ETRM software.
ADVISORYWORLD.COM – Leading Financial Planning Technologies | Home AdvisoryWorld. AdvisoryWorld provides first rate financial technologies to investment professionals, including: Asset Allocation, and Financial Planning Software.
INVESTORSOFTWARE.NET – Investor Software – Financial Analysis Software for Investors. Investor is a software for financial analysis of different investment strategies (Hedge, Arbitrage, Speculate, etc.) of Underlying Assets and Derivatives (Options, Forwards, etc.). Investor includes analysis of different combinations of Calls, Puts, Portfolios of Securities and Options, Spreads(Bull/Bear, Butterfly, Calendar), Combinations (Strangles, Straddles, Strips, Straps) and exact and approximate methods of Option pricing.
IRELY.COM – iRely. iRely is a premier, global provider of business execution software focused on solutions for Agriculture, Cooperatives, Commodity Management and Petroleum…
KAMAKURACO.COM – Kamakura Corporation. Kamakura provides integrated credit risk, market risk, asset & liability management, and performance measurement in a singular software offering. This integration is desirable from a cost and efficiency standpoint and crucial for true and effective enterprise wide risk management. Kamakura Corporation is the first software company in the world to provide a single, fully integrated software package that performs critical functions previously requi…
CORPROFIT.COM – Strategic Enterprise Risk Management Software Solution Australia – Corprofit. CorProfit provides strategic enterprise risk management solutions, offers leading corporate risk management software rich in features and has been favorite in.
KRAYTIS.COM – Portfolio Risk Analysis | Value at risk | Mutual fund Analysis. Kraytis provides tools to monitor the portfolio risk and ensure the risk is within the client specified limits. With the unique on-demand engine, calculate the risk of your client portfolio to ensure that the risk is in line with the risk tolerance as set by the client. Robo Advisors, Asset Managers and Wealth Advisors can use this for supervision and suitability needs.
LOGICMANAGER.COM – ERM Software | Enterprise Risk Management & GRC Solutions. Manage Tomorrow’s Surprises Today with LogicManager’s Flexible ERM Software. Make Smarter Decisions through Risk Intelligence & Integrating GRC Activities.
FINANCIOMETRICS.COM – Financiometrics Inc. | Portfolio Optimization Software. Based on innovative quadratic and nonlinear programming algorithms designed specifically for solving large-scale portfolio optimization problems.
MAUS.COM.AU – Business Management Software for SMB and Consultants – MAUS Software. Business Management Software for Business Planning, Policies & Procedures, Human Resources, KPI Dashboard, Business Intelligence & Consultants!
STEWART-SOFTWARE.CO.UK – Stewart Business Software. MIMS Risk Management Systems, from Stewart Business Software, have been proven with over 30 years of use by both Global Companies and Local Authorities. Installed on 4 continents providing unique features essential to Insurance and Risk Management operations, MIMS has saved millions of pounds for its users since 1982.
NUMERIX.COM – Risk Analytics and insights focused around building a holistic view of market risk, counterparty, and model risk. Learn from our thought leading research, expert analysis, and explore our award winning solutions.
OPENGAMMA.COM – Market Risk Management | OTC Derivatives Margin Calculations | OpenGamma. OpenGamma provides market risk management technology for financial services firms to optimize their businesses in the evolving OTC markets.
MOSEK.COM – MOSEK ApS. High performance software for large-scale LP, QP, SOCP, SDP and MIP including interfaces to C, Java, MATLAB, .NET, R and Python.
INVTOOLS.COM – Fixed income & credit research / analysis software | Investortools. Software for fixed income analytics, portfolio management & credit analysis. Comprehensive, flexible solutions for streamlined reporting, fixed income attribution & compliance.
PLANEASE.COM – Commercial Development Investment Real Estate Analysis Software.
GENSIGHT.COM – Gensight. Enterprise Portfolio Management solutions are all we do. It’s our core. In 2004 GenSight established a new and systematic approach to strategic choice and resource allocation based on ten years of research and development. Since then GenSight continues to rapidly expand innovative capabilities into leading global companies across most major industries.
CAISSALLC.COM – Caissa, LLC | Multi-Asset Class Portfolio Management Software . Caissa’s award-winning platform provides investment analytics to endowments, foundations, oCIOs, family offices, funds of funds, and pensions.
EFFISOLS.COM – Portfolio Optimization Software from Efficient Solutions Inc. Portfolio optimization software at an affordable price. Products designed for both investment professionals and sophisticated personal investors. We currently offer two stand-alone mean-variance optimizers: VisualMvo (single period) and MvoPlus (multi-period with rebalancing).
HOADLEY.NET – Peter Hoadley and Barbara Hoadley: Web Sites (Sydney, Australia).
PROVENIR.COM – Risk Analytics Platform | Provenir. With Provenir’s Risk Analytics Platform simplify risk analytics and decisioning while gaining vendor independence.
MAXIPLAN.COM – With Maxiplan’s cost-effective solutions, organisations can move beyond the chaos and complexity of spreadsheet-based processes to more effectively plan and track financial performance. Every user can collaborate and share data dynamically right throughout the financial planning process. With a simple login and password, users intuitively retrieve reports, input forecasts and analyse performance on demand – at any time, anywhere, from any computer.
REVAL.COM – Treasury & Risk Management | Reval. Reval is the leading expert in Treasury & Risk Management technology. 575+ global clients use Reval for next generation treasury management. Find out why.
FERNBACH.COM – FERNBACH Simply better financial technology.
RISKCONTROLLIMITED.COM – Risk Control analyses the Solvency II capital calibration for securitisations and presents evidence on how securitisation capital for insurers should be calibrated.
PORTFOLIOSCIENCE.COM – PortfolioScience – Portfolio Risk Analysis. On-demand portfolio risk analysis service and value at risk (VaR) software for financial institutions, hedge funds, and investors.
RISKDATA.COM – Riskdata – Interactive solution for Proactive Risk Management. Riskdata is the multi-asset class solution computing any risk indicators to perform proactive risk management in Asset Management companies and Hedge Funds.
RISKEDGESOLUTIONS.COM – Risk Edge Solutions | Commodity Risk Management. Risk Edge Solutions solves Commodity Risk Management related problems with Software and Consulting by using At-Risk, PFE & Machine Learning algorithms.
AXIOMSL.COM – AxiomSL. AxiomSL provides enterprise-wide solutions for Regulatory Reporting, Capital Adequacy, Risk Management, Liquidity, Compliance and Data Management.
AQ2TECH.COM – AQ2 Technologies | AQ2 Technologies : Transaction Processing Solutions.
SUPERDERIVATIVES.COM – SuperDerivatives – The global derivatives benchmark pricing systems. The global derivatives benchmark. Multi-asset pricing systems, sales, operational risk and revaluation solutions for the buy- and sell-side.
INTUITIVE-ANALYTICS.COM – Financial Software | Bond Utilities | Public Finance | Intuitive Analytics. Intuitive Analytics is the premier provider of public finance software and analysis for decision makers. Try out SmartModels from Intuitive now!
CHURR.COM – Stock Investment Guide | Stock X-Ray Data | By Churr Software | Stock Investment Guide & X-Ray Data Service.
ACUITYRM.COM – Acuity Risk Management | Risk Management Software | Enterprise GRC Software.
ANALYZERXL.COM – Technical analysis software for Microsoft Excel. Indicators, experts and quotes for Excel spreadsheets.
AGIBOO.COM – Agiblocks – Commodity Trade and Risk Management Software by Agiboo. Agiboo has developed the Commodity Trade and Risk Management solution Agiblocks. Serving traders, producers and procurers in the commodity industry.
VECTORVEST.COM – VectorVest | Stock Analysis and Portfolio Management Software.
VISUALISERISK.COM – Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Software – SharePoint based | Visualize Risk™. Practical, visually powerful and reasonably-priced software solutions to aid the risk management process and foster collaboration among risk owners and stakeholders.
JABSOFT.COM – Model Assistant Suite is the most useful collection of add-ins for people who uses Microsoft Excel as a decision making tool, Dashboard Tools for Excel, Jabsoft.
CSSI.COM – As a leading technology provider, CSSI delivers customized solutions aimed to meet the unique requirements of your business. We understand that each industry has a unique group of challenges and are confident that our team can respond to your demands efficiently and effectively.
ZE.COM – ZEMA Market Data Management Software | ZE PowerGroup. ZE, creator of ZEMA, a data management s/w solution designed to meet the data analysis, curve & integration needs of energy, commodities & finance
ZETASCORE.COM – ZETA Services Inc. Zeta Services is a leader in objective credit analysis, equity valuation, and risk management software and solutions for companies around the globe. We have been providing proven risk solutions for over 30 years. The ZETA® Risk Model is a method of quantifying a company’s vulnerability to financial failure. Our software allows institutions to understand the financial strength of a company or their entire portfolio.
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Permanent Address :- Montville, NJ
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