Best Structured Settlement Brokers List
A structured settlement broker, also known as an annuity broker, is a professional specifically trained in negotiating and facilitating a payout schedule for a monetary settlement that has been awarded to an individual or family as the result of a lawsuit. Usually, the lawsuit stems from an injury due to negligence on the part of the defendant and a compensation amount is agreed upon by both parties to settle the case without resorting to a jury trial.
Structured Settlement method of settlement of claims, which consists in the implementation of periodic payments for a certain number of years or for life in those cases when it is necessary to provide special medical care a person injured as a result of the injury.
Often these payments are financed from the funds of the insurance annuity. Therefore, in order to resolve the inflation factor is taken into account. Structured settlement is usually less costly for the insurer or the company using the principle of self than the settlement by paying the total amount.
Structured Settlement Brokers List:
Structured Settlement Brokers | CIVIL | Department of Justice.

National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA).
If you would like additional information about structured settlements, please contact a structured settlement broker or a life insurance company in your area. Or call the National Structured Settlements Trade Association at (202) 289-4004.

Patrick Farber Structured Settlement Brokers. Patrick Farber | Structured Settlement Broker | California – Los Angeles – San Francisco – Orange County.
As a structured settlement brokerage team, we work with clients and attorneys in California and around the United States creating structured settlements for medical malpractice, personal injury, product liability, workers’ compensation, mass torts and construction defect cases as well as structures for non-physical injury cases and attorney fees – all at no cost to attorneys or their clients.

McKellar Structured Settlements Inc. Welcome to McKellar Structured Settlements, Canada’s leading provider of structured settlement services. We are proud to call injured plaintiffs, lawyers and insurance representatives our valued clients.

Deepwater Horizon. The Economic & Property Damages Settlement resolves certain economic loss and property damage claims related to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. If you are included in this Settlement, you could receive money if you were harmed by the oil spill in one or more of the following categories: Seafood Compensation Program, Individual Economic Loss, Individual Periodic Vendor or Festival Vendor Economic Loss, Business Economic Loss and more.

Secondary Market Annuities/Structured Settlement Broker. Purchase structured settlements from a structured settlement broker. Rigorous due diligence, rates as high as 8%.
Looking to earn greater than average fixed-income returns – ranging from 4 to 8%? Consider a secondary market income annuity.
The secondary market caters to owners of structured settlements who sell their future payments –payments that are guaranteed and paid by an insurance company or the state lottery commission — in exchange for a lump sum payment today.
These outstanding yields are created because buyers purchase payment streams at a discount, resulting in surprisingly attractive yields. How surprising? See for yourself.
Purchasing structured settlements is not without its risks. That’s why you need an experienced team who knows how to perform proper and thorough due diligence.

Ringler Associates. A structured settlement from Ringler Associates should be your FIRST CHOICE. You have many choices for investing your settlement. Only structured settlements were created exclusively to secure your future. Only a Ringler consultant best collaborates with all parties to find a solution that’s a perfect fit for you. And only Ringler Associates writes more structures than anyone else in the country.

NFP: Structured Settlement: Personal Injury, Claim, Lawsuit. When structuring a settlement for a personal injury claim or lawsuit, NFP Structured Settlements’s team of professionals is committed to delivering personalized assistance and expertise.

Henderson Structured Settlements.
The services Henderson Structured Settlements offers include:
- Pre-settlement evaluative reporting and consulting
- In-person/real-time evaluative support (at settlement meetings, mediations, etc.)
- Expert evidence (at arbitrations/trials)
- Post-settlement structured settlement consulting and brokerage
- Closing documentation support
- Formal brokerage Pledge/Guarantee
- Educational seminars

For over 30 years, Prudential Structured Settlements has been there when physical injury claimants and their families have needed us most. Since issuing our first structured settlement annuity contract in 1984, we have been firmly committed to this important marketplace, and we will continue to be there for our clients’ ongoing structured settlement needs.
We offer a robust product line that includes:
- immediate and deferred payouts
- single and joint life annuities
- medical underwritten annuities

Structured Settlement Watchdog® John Darer® has voluntarily served as the industry watchdog since 2005 when he created the Structured Settlements 4Real® blog, a leading source of structured settlement information and news and expert opinion, including settlement planning issues/ ideas and alternative deferred payment solutions John Darer’s Structured Settlement Watchdog® commentary and exposes of bad business conduct in the structured settlement secondary market, provide relevant information that may be helpful to attorneys, plaintiffs, defendants, claims adjusters, judges, the news reporters, sellers and buyers of structured settlement payment rights, law makers, law enforcement, attorneys general, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the FTC, consumer and disability advocate groups and interested others. The content is informative, irreverent and effective.

UPDATE: Top Structured Settlement Brokers:
Woodbridge Structured Funding, LLC Financial Professionals Program was created to provide financial professionals with the ability to present their clients with lump sum settlement options for any future payment annuity. Financial partnerships are at the core of Woodbridge Structured Funding, LLC business philosophy and we want to share our strengths with our financial partners.
Premier Settlement Services, Inc. – Plaintiff Structured Settlements. Plaintiff Structured Settlements, Settlement Planning and Funding Agreements, now offering Berkshire Hathaway Life Structured Settlement Annuities.
A Structured Settlement Broker plays a vital role in the settlement of many types of cases. If you have been injured in a workplace accident, auto accident, slip & fall, or just won a lottery, chances are you will be offered an out-of-court settlement. You will have the option, in most cases, of accepting a lump-sum payment, or a set number of periodic payments for a set amount of time.
Structured Settlement Calculator:
MYSTRUCTUREDSETTLEMENTCASH.COM – Structured Settlement Instant Quote Generator:
ANNUITY.ORG – Get a fast and accurate estimate for how much your annuity or structured settlement payments are worth. Find out the factors that impact your annuity value. All you need is the data from your annuity contract and our calculator will instantly give you the bottom line: how much money you can potentially walk away with.
CALCULATOR.ME – This calculator will compute the present value of an amount of money to be received in the future.
CATALINASTRUCTUREDFUNDING.COM – Structured Settlement Calculator: Get a Free Quote Anonymously. We understand that the very first step in deciding whether to sell structured settlement payments is to determine what your structured settlement is worth. Once you have that information, you are in the top position to make a decision what is in your best interest.
MORTGAGECALCULATOR.ORG – Present Valuation Structured Settlement Calculator. This calculator figures the present value of a sum of money to be received in the future.
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