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Top 6 Best Least Privilege Management Software

What is Least Privilege? Least privilege is a security concept that sounds simple on the face of it, but that can be difficult to manage at times. The idea is that each user with access to a given network or individual resource is given only the amount of control they actually need to do their work but no more. This, of course, seems like the most sensible way to handle security. One of the issues with this, however, is that most operating systems don’t allow for granularized security out of the box. In order to get this sort of access control, you’ll oftentimes have to use third-party products.

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When you’re assigning privileges to a user on most operating systems, it’s done in a rather blocky fashion. The user is made a member of a group and all members of that group have certain privileges. Issues arise when the users within one of these groups actually have too much control and have the capacity to cause real problems on the system. To avoid this scenario, least privilege is a sensible idea, until you realize how complex it is to administer a network that’s secured in this way.

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Least privilege requires that each user is given a precise amount of control. This can be very complex. For instance, the user may need to be able to run a particular program off of the server, such as a database app, but needs to be prevented from running any other programs. The user may also need to be able to access, change and delete certain files from a directory and, at the same time, need to be restricted from performing any of those actions on any other directories. This is where third party apps come in. Some of them allow administrators to provide this type of access control and also combine the functions of other security products, such as password protection software and security logging software.

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Least privilege security designs can provide very good protection for data and other digital assets. When you’re in charge of it, however, you’ll likely find yourself looking for a better way to make it work than operating systems provide on their own. The third-party applications on the market can provide functionalities that make it easy to assign individual users certain privileges without giving them authority that they do not need. This is important for any business where security is vital.

Top 6 Best Least Privilege Management Software:


Thycotic Privilege Manager is the most advanced privilege management and application control software available, all in a single tool. Protect endpoints and stop malware and ransomware from exploiting applications by removing local administrative rights from endpoints.




CyberArk is the only security software company focused on eliminating cyber threats using insider privileges to attack the heart of the enterprise.




Remove admin rights across your entire business with Avecto’s endpoint privilege management software.




PolicyPak manages application settings. Ensure IT settings on your desktops, laptops, and VDI sessions.




Centrify delivers Zero Trust Security through the power of Next-Gen Access. Zero Trust Security from Centrify verifies every user, validates their devices, and limits access and privilege.




We are One Identity: Identity Governance, Access Management, and Privileged Management Solutions for the Real World. Trusted by Leading Brands.



Implementing Least Privilege to Organization of All Sizes

Any organization, for profit or not, using networked computers should consider the principle of least privilege in order to protect their information. There is an ever growing threat to networks as malicious software becomes more advanced. To combat infiltration, sophisticated security approaches must be taken.

The least privilege approach allows users and programs only limited access to the computer network system. Giving administrative privileges to the gamut of programs that a user may run opens the system up to attacks via malicious software. Limited application launch capabilities greatly reduces the chances of security breaches. Limited shared passwords, encrypted passwords, and other privilege protections also decrease the chances of attacks within the system.

Considering the increasing threats of malicious software, it is easy to understand why users of Internet-facing programs, including instant messaging, e-mail, and browsers, should not have access to administrative rights. Extending these rights to such users renders the system much more vulnerable.

When program or process limitations are also implemented, the limited code allows restrictive access essentially creating barriers so that system-wide damage may not occur. The domino effect of one application crashing another and then another, and so on, will be halted before it can begin. Creating greatly restricted privilege access rights for users, processes, programs and applications brings about increased system stability. This multi-layered security approach facilitates a well maintained network system.

Password protection software helps to execute the least privilege approach. Such password management software not only creates a solution for access control, but also provides companies with a necessary audit trail. Such an audit trail allows businesses to meet audit standards. Advanced software generates an audit trail down to the keystroke level allowing for comprehensive accountability. Companies who choose to create their own security measures without the help of such advanced software may find, in the long run, that the considerable amount of time and effort is less cost-effective than they had originally anticipated. Affordable, comprehensive, time-efficient software is available to meet the security standards of companies, both large and small.

While this approach is not a complete security answer in itself, when supplemented with other protective measures, a network is far less susceptible to attack. Other security measures include regular security updates, perimeter and host firewalls, and user awareness. In order to detect malicious software, the latest scanners should be installed. This combination of security techniques should create a highly stable network.

Making Least Privilege Work

Least privilege is one of the most effective ways to protect network resources. It relies on giving users the least possible amount of access; just enough for them to do their jobs, but no more. It’s one of the most established ways to protect a network and the individual computers on that network. To make this security design work, however, you have to make sure that it’s implemented in a practical way. The way most operating systems are designed creates a situation where users are given either too much access to guarantee the security of the system or too little, preventing them from being able to do their jobs efficiently.

In many cases, problems arise because of password sharing. Least privilege policies are sometimes undermined by users who need to get their jobs done and, who in the course of doing so, share their passwords out of convenience. This defeats the entire purpose as those users then have access to an account with too much access to the server. To ensure that this doesn’t happen accidentally, password vault software is sometimes employed. While this may not seem to immediately address the issue, as there is voluntary sharing going on in these scenarios, the better examples of this software enforce password changes and password complexity rules that ensure that old passwords are regularly changed, eliminating the risk of someone having access to a privileged account for an indefinite period of time.

Least privilege policies have to be workable for the people on the network. This means that some users will need specific types of access to get their work done and, if they don’t have it, it’s likely that the system will start being sabotaged in ways such as in the example above. This means that administrators have to be able to provide appropriate access without defeating their own security designs by creating users with too much power.

The same programs that allow for the secure storage of passwords sometimes include functionality that allows them to provide granular user access to resources. In this way, you can delegate enough power to each user so that they can get their work done efficiently. You will not, however, find yourself in a situation where users cannot get their work done due to lacking privileges or where they have to share their usernames and passwords to others to accommodate a clumsy security policy.

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