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What is the use of Product Information Management in eCommerce?

Businesses worldwide are cashing in on the internet and its positive impact on sales. Enterprises of any scale have found the potential that online sales and services offer. The only change that a business needs to make is to get online.

Is this a simple move? Well, yes it is.

With the onset of premium software and services providers like Questudio, it is very easy for any business to get online and start an upward trend in sales. Using software like CatalogStudio, enterprises have been able to not only find more customers that have led to a climb in sales but also maintained a loyal customer base.

So, let’s see how software like CatalogStudio creates a winning solution for all eCommerce businesses.

CatalogStudio is product information management software. It is a system through which an enterprise of any size is able to manage all its product information to increase sales as well as productivity. With the use of a Central Repository, CatalogStudio is able to store all the information related to the products. This information being in a central place is crucial to the success of the online venture.

Let’s see how this is useful for you as a business:

  • Accuracy – When data is edited and monitored from a single location it is normalized and its validity can be checked too.
  • Ease of management – The central repository is able to cater to all the geographically spaced offices of an enterprise at the same time. Sourcing products from many locations also becomes easy with a central repository.
  • Creating an online store – The crucial use of a PIM software is to create an online store or a website through which you can get customers from all over the country or world, shop for your products.
  • Payment Gateway – While having an online store is great an eCommerce site should have a secure payment gateway. The product information catalog software gives your website that secure procedure for customers to purchase items online.
  • Customer satisfaction – When you are able to showcase all information relating to your products, a customer is able to make an informed decision. This leads to higher customer satisfaction which in turn reduces the number of returned products. Customer loyalty is the direct result of this.
  • Catalog creation – Creating several types of catalogs for various end-users is very easy using the PIM software. This process is not only quick but also easy to do.
  • Publishing options – Using a PIM model you can publish the catalogs created over multiple channels like Print or PDF.

It is easy to see how a product information management system can lead your business forward. With simple steps, you can convert your offline business into a booming online business. Sales and marketing teams find it easier to reach out to more customers using the Customer service options. Once you have a wide customer base, maintaining this loyalty is also easily possible with the secure and quick transactions that you opt for through the website.

A product information management system is today one of the most important steps that every business must take to reach new heights.

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