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5 Reasons Why Green Cleaning Matters for Your Business

Green cleaning is a trend that has taken the corporate world by storm. Not only is our world learning to incorporate more ecological awareness in all human practices, but also individual societies are finding more responsible ways to protect their planet and employees from the harm caused by some chemical agents and machines.

Green cleaning entails only using cleaning agents deemed ecologically friendly. For your business, this means only using products deemed ecologically-friendly and minimizing waste. In both the long and short run, green cleaning can have an array of benefits for your business.

Here’s everything you stand to gain by hiring a cleaning company specializing in green cleaning.

1. Avoiding Reactions to Synthetic Fragrances

Synthetic fragrances are so commonly used in cleaning agents that they are often wrongly considered to be harmless. While synthetic fragrances aren’t entirely toxic, they can provoke allergic reactions that can characterize themselves in cold-like symptoms and make your employees or clients uncomfortable.

As a result of this discomfort, you may even find some of your employees struggling to focus while at the office or dreading office time altogether. Green cleaning products use natural fragrances, which are less likely to cause irritation.

2. Avoiding Hormonal Issues Caused by Anti-Bacterials

Recent FDA research has found that antibacterials aren’t necessarily more effective than regular soap or water at getting rid of bacteria and germs.

Whilst antibacterials are more aggressive cleaning agents; this potency can damage your furniture and possibly your floors more than it will guarantee the eradication of germs, molds, or other bacteria. For instance, without green carpet cleaning, you risk antibacterial chemical components encrusting your rugs and filling the air in your space.

Antibacterials can contain some ecologically-harmful materials and have been found to cause hormonal issues. Hormonal imbalances can hurt your employees in a variety of ways, causing both physical and mental problems ranging from cancer to depression.

3. Establishing Your Business’s Code of Ethics

Green cleaning isn’t only about avoiding the potential health problems caused by the chemical agents used in most cleaning products. It is also about making a statement for your business: your team values remaining ethical and responsible in all your practices, down to the “minor” details.

With a rise in the popularity of “green” living, more employees and consumers are looking to only interact with companies that match their personal beliefs; we have one planet, and it is our responsibility to protect it. In some countries and states, using green cleaning methods might entitle you to tax breaks or council funding.

You will also find that business can be garnered simply by letting your clients know that when visiting your premises, they are entering a space devoid of chemical toxins that may harm them on their loved ones.

4. Doing the Ecologically Responsible Thing

Many cleaning products, in both their manufacturing and their components, are responsible for the release of toxic chemicals in the air and our water. As the toxic agents enter our water, they are then absorbed in our bodies through what we eat, drink, and the water we use to clean our utensils and even clothes.

In the long run, this can poison entire ecosystems and communities. Therefore, the ecologically responsible measure is for every institution to consider cleaning methods, which will set a positive example for their employees, clients, and every onlooker.

The irony of not using “clean” cleaning methods to sanitize your space lies in how damaging non-green cleaning products can be for our planet when every cleaning process was meant to be about maintenance in the first place.

5. Contributing to Good Air Quality

Industrial areas can be notorious for the poor quality of the air, not only because of the fumes released by industrial plants and factories but because of the constant chemical cleaning their buildings are subjected to.

As fumes are released into the indoor spaces, they eventually make their way into the environment, leading to outdoor smog. The smog isn’t just visually unpleasant. It can trigger some respiratory issues in some or exacerbate existing conditions such as asthma.

The smog discourages people from being outside, which can have a snowball effect on the investment an area receives for the upkeep of its public spaces.

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