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How Equipment Hire Companies Can Improve Business Efficiency

When companies are looking at ERP systems to use that help track items in a workflow, there are many different big name packages out there. Usually, these are very specific to workflow tracking and do not include the fully integrated package such as invoicing and financial performance monitoring.

There is some equipment hire management software out on the market that brings all of this together into one place for ease of use and improved efficiency. Sometimes, businesses are a little apprehensive about moving to one solution where software packages are integrated – mainly due to the fact that they are used to the way they operate and don’t want to risk instability. This inability to trial these sorts of solutions out could mean the company is missing out in some low hanging fruit in terms of efficiency improvements.

Here, we are going to discuss how this type of software can improve business efficiency. Keep reading to find out more.

From Cradle to Grave

The integrated package manages the whole process from cradle to grave. It all starts when a customer wants a quotation and you log on to your system to do this.  You can get accurate costings based on what the customer wants (based on the baseline data you have already stored within it). This also helps you see immediately what the potential profit margin for the specific order will be.  You can then project manage the full activity (if the customer accepts the quote) from the same system, tracking the activity in real time.  To finish things off you can close off the order and invoicing using the same system. This in itself can massively improve the efficiency of your invoicing system.

Tracking Capability

When tracking items out for rent or in workflow, it is important that (specifically in today’s environment) that this is done in real-time with an accurate status of what is where and where it is going. Equipment hire management software does all of this and allows operators to make sure they have the full overall visibility at any time. There are many ERP systems that do this; however, they don’t always have the full integration of other elements which gives this sort of package an advantage.

What Are The Risks?

When moving to a single software package it is important you really understand everything that it is capable of doing and how it fits in with your current business. You may have a specific niche or transaction that is required for your company that is not covered. Speaking directly to the software developers is probably a good idea – defining exactly your requirements and letting them tell you how their software is the package that could support you and ultimately deliver your needs.  You can choose to take the integrated package on an initial trial basis to give it a go before fully cutting off your other way of working. This reduces the risks to ensure a smooth transition and a level of continuity.

Try equipment hire management software to improve your business’s efficiency today.

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