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Professionals To Hire When Your Business is Growing

Growing your business isn’t just about building up your existing staff. If you really want to scale successfully then you’ll need to focus on your hiring too. Of course, any good business is only as good as its staff and one of the most important things to note when hiring is not only the quality of your hires but the variety too. Simply put, you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket.

Here, we’ll underline the five major kinds of business professionals you’ll want in your corner if you want to take your business to the next level. Because a business full of ‘jack-of-all-trade’ types will rarely reap rewards.

Payroll/HR professionals – As you start building up your business and adding more employees to your roster, you will naturally have more tasks that need completing and more admin that needs to be done. One of the most critical tasks is that of the person in charge of staff wages. Payroll jobs are a crucial area of any business that has to keep track of background checks, taxes, wages and benefits and while you can outsource this work, it’s always best to keep the money-focused job in-house where possible.

Maintenance professionals – Things break down and things need fixing. Maintenance isn’t something that you need to think about just every few weeks though; it should be an ongoing concern. Particularly in an age where social distancing has changed the way safety works, particularly in retail stores. In such an environment, maintenance business professionals have never been more desirable.

PR/Marketing professional – Word of mouth can be a very powerful thing in the early weeks and months of a company but eventually, it won’t be enough. Hire a marketing professional that will be able to help you put together a slick marketing strategy and a PR professional that can help get your name out to the right publications, influencers and investors.

Financial professionals – As your company inflates and your bills start to do likewise it might be beneficial to have somebody on your staff that knows how to keep all of your financial eggs in line. Accountants can be brought in on a third-party basis but they will always have their own interests at heart primarily. If they are part of the team, they are more likely to give you everything they have.

IT Professionals – Every business now, no matter how ‘traditional’ needs to be at least computer literate to get by. But you will almost certainly reach a point where getting by isn’t good enough and you’ll need somebody to come in that really knows what they’re doing. An IT professional should be able to help set up new systems, train staff and ensure that every aspect of the company’s digital portfolio is working in a copacetic fashion. In an age where remote working is more popular than ever before, this one couldn’t be more important!

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