Top 10 Best Web Application Security Testing Software
Security is the important aspect required in each application. Security means that authorized access is granted to protected data and unauthorized access is restricted.
Web application security – learn from others
It’s a sad fact of life that everybody who uses a computer is a target! If we use the internet or run an organization wide network, we are even more of a target and one that is very attractive to many hackers and pirates even if web application security measures are in place. This can be seen by the constant reports in the press, both general and trade, regarding attacks, both attempted and, unfortunately, successful attacks on government, organizations and commercial networks.
Another sad fact is that, following such an attack, the organization involved begins a thorough post mortem, examines its web application security system, looks at the areas breached, for additional vulnerabilities, performs a damage assessment and seeks ways to beef up it web application security to prevent future attacks.
The media also plays its part in the general hysteria that surrounds every successful web application security penetration. News reports and editorials will talk of the “massive damage” to commercial or governmental information, data theft on an “unimaginable” scale and breaches to the privacy of millions.
Is this what we should really be talking about?
The real issue here isn’t the damage caused. Sure its harmful, not pleasant and something that web application security systems should be able to prevent. This is the real issue that needs to be looked at! Why is it, that with the technology and information we have available do hackers and pirates still manage to penetrate even the most secure of systems?
We know that web application security developers are constantly developing new methods, new programming to thwart the attackers. We know that every time a new virus appears, within a very short time the anti-virus is found. But this is defensive protection, this, to a large extent is like shutting the door after the horse has bolted.
Read More:Top 10 Best Web Application Security Testing Software
Top 10 Best Web Application Security Testing Software:
Application Security | Veracode. Veracode automated web application security testing solution can be used on-demand for static & dynamic analysis. No software or hardware required!

Accelerate Security, Vuln Management, Compliance | Rapid7. Rapid7 transforms data into insight, empowering security professionals to progress and protect their organizations.

Website security – keep in check with Acunetix. Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner ensures web application security by securing your website and web applications against hacker attacks.

Provides products and services that accelerate innovation in the global electronics market. Our security-as-a-service (SaaS) model, provides you the testing flexibility, scalability, and cost effectiveness to deliver the application testing coverage you require to achieve your risk management goals.

Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner. Netsparker Desktop is available as a Windows application and is an easy-to-use web application security scanner that uses the advanced Proof-Based vulnerability scanning technology and has built-in penetration testing and reporting tools.

Software Solutions Designed to Scale | Micro Focus. Get automated dynamic analysis with Micro Focus WebInspect, a dynamic security application penetration testing tool, for finding and prioritizing web vulnerabilities.

Information Security and Compliance | Qualys, Inc. Robust cloud solution for continuous web app discovery and detection of vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

IBM Security AppScan
IBM® Security AppScan enhances web application security and mobile application security, improves application security program management and strengthens regulatory compliance. By scanning your web and mobile applications prior to deployment, AppScan enables you to identify security vulnerabilities and generate reports and fix recommendations.

IBM Security AppScan
Denver Technology’s Web Application Security Test methodology is derived from a combination of information security guidelines and recognised penetration testing methodology standards from sources such as OSSTMM and OWASP.

Arachni – Web Application Security Scanner Framework. Arachni is a Free/Public-Source Web Application Security Scanner aimed towards helping users evaluate the security of web applications.

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