Top 8 Best Cloud Gaming Platforms
Cloud gaming is evolving despite only a few years passing since its inception. The massive success of Xbox Live and PlayStation Network has continued unabated and Apple have strengthened their online position by introducing Game Center. More games are entering the market with a heavy emphasis on the online multiplayer content where people can compete against one another.
Some like Massive Action Game (MAG) on PS3 had no offline playability, instead choosing to have all their action based online. You only have to look at the playing time of people on games like Call of Duty: Black Ops to realise the playing time pendulum is swinging more and more to competitive and social gaming as opposed to single player campaigns.
Firms have progressed the online gaming sphere further by allowing gamers to play video game tournaments for cash and prizes. The capacity is there to play against others for cash prizes on the latest gaming releases.
It looks as though online gaming will contine to evolve most probably into the ‘cloud’ allowing players the ability to pick up and play whereever and whenever they are so long as a computer is present. Indeed the player can continue a saved game on another computer to the one that the save was originally made on.
For the moment though the technology is still in its infancy and people quite rightly see an equally strong future for conventional online gaming console formats such as PlayStation 4 and Xbox as cloud gaming. Indeed firms such as Gaikai are positioning themselves so as to develop cloud gaming demos for people to try games before the game is released on their consoles. The draw of such websites is still that they allow the user to play free online games on thousands of games at any time in the day.
Therefore rather than seeing cloud gaming as the undoubted ‘future’ of online gaming perhaps it’s more accurate to see it as an extension of the present with cloud gaming being developed in a number of ways and on a number of formats.
Top 8 Best Cloud Gaming Platform to Play Online Games:
Gaming from the cloud! Play any PC games from the Vortex library on any kind of internet-connected device!

Paperspace is the perfect platform for running cloud games. We’ve partnered with Parsec to deliver the best cloud gaming platform in the world.Run even the most demanding games on a Raspberry Pi or Macbook Air.

Gaming as a Service (GaaS) solutions. Cloud-based games stream effortlessly, without lag or latency, with GRID technology. Stream games online from any device.

LiquidSky offers the world’s first gaming PC accessible from any device. Simply download to your Android device or Windows PC and create your free account today.

Smart solution for cryptocurrency fans. Convenient platform for miners to rent out their hardware. Easy way to play-on-demand on the powerful gaming rigs for gamers.

Play more than 500 games, streamed instantly to your PS4 or PC – or download hundreds of PS4 games direct to your console.

With Parsec, you can play PC games from anywhere on any device. Parsec lets you play over the Internet from your own gaming PC or access a cloud gaming PC.

Shadow is The High Performance Gaming Computer, Accessible From Multiple Devices. Only $34.95/Month. Cancel Anytime.

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