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Top IT Consultancy Trends Transforming the Industry

2020 has proven to somewhat of a tumultuous year so far for IT consultants thanks to slashed budgets and global economic insecurity. Even as the economy is systematically reopening in various parts of the world, finding new clients and retaining old ones are becoming increasingly difficult according to Stuart Raven from GlobalData. While researchers are expecting IT consulting services to decrease by as much as 4% this year, a number of related trends have surfaced that both individual IT consultants as well as IT consulting businesses should be aware of.

Cloud computing continues to gain traction

Cloud adoption has enjoyed another growth spurt despite research from the International Data Corp predicting that the global spend on IT can decrease to $2.3 trillion this year due to the pandemic the world is facing. One of the biggest appeals of cloud computing is the fact that it can save a business a considerable amount of money. Additionally, software updates are substantially easier to execute, making expensive installations almost redundant. While this may reduce the need for IT consultants, large-scale migration to the cloud actually increases the need for them.

According to Thoran Rodrigues, the founder and CEO of BigData Corp, IT has to shift its overall perspective from owner to custodian. He was quoted as saying, “Instead of worrying about purchasing the technology and building out the infrastructure where it will run, it will have to work to ensure that all contracted SLAs are being respected, that the systems are interoperable and can work together, and that the service providers have long-term visions that are compatible with the direction that the company is heading.”

Outsourcing will continue to increase

In an economy where saving money has become more imperative than ever before, the strategic planning and project design services that IT consultants typically provide are being outsourced at an increasing rate. According to Anders Hagberg, CEO of Sweden-based Cinode, outsourcing, which was originally a trend seen in marketing, has now reached other industries. The outsourcing of IT consultants has become vital as many businesses are simply not nimble enough to effect internal adaptions to a fast-evolving market. Outsourcing various IT functions also allow management to pay closer attention to other important operational areas that may have been neglected due to the amount of focus that was forced upon internal technology concerns.

AI provides a glimpse into the future

Artificial intelligence (AI) is infiltrating many avenues of the business sphere, including IT consulting. Not only can it process data faster than any human can, but it can also provide increasingly accurate insights into many IT-related areas. In order to remain relevant in a recovering, post-pandemic, IT consultants have to fully embrace technology or face being left behind. AI and machine learning have countless benefits and are being embraced with increased prevalence. It is becoming imperative to, at the very least, possess a fundamental understanding of various technologies including AI in order to grasp in which direction the industry is heading.

Even in an economic environment marred by uncertainty, trends continue to rise to the forefront. When understood and embraced, various IT consulting trends can prove to be of extreme benefit to consultants and businesses alike.

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