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To answer the question how to write a resume, how to write a good one, how to write a resume that will benefit you when applying for a job, you first need to correctly understand what a resume is and, certainly, at least once see the resume sample. Having found out about the resume secrets and successfully applying the rules of writing a resume you will have more chances of getting the desired job.
So, what is a resume?
A resume is borrowed from human resource management practice in Europe and the USA.
A resume is the first thing you need to have when looking for a job.
One can say that submitting a resume when applying for a job is an element of business ethics, but at the same time this is the most effective advertising in the labor market.
A resume is a brief conclusion of something said, written or read, condensing main statements. Regarding the search for a job, a resume is a description of the person’s capabilities which make them competitive in the labor market. It should reflect three main characters required from workers: education, productivity and the unlimited possibilities. In some cases you can come across the abbreviation CV (Curriculum Vitae), it literally means “description of life” or “course of life” and is a resume of workers in creative industries; it reflects the results of work, but workplaces are not stated. The style of a resume is frequently directed for a certain workplace whereas CV contains more detailed and structured information on the career trajectory of a person.
Within the context of our time a document referred to as CV or “resume” (brief statement of main contents) not so much describes the professional life of an applicant as is a basis for the invitation for an interview. A resume bears a lot of positive content for an applicant as well for an employer. For an applicant a resume is an ideal way to present oneself in the most advantageous position, and for an employer this is a method of selecting out candidates.
The purpose of a resume is to attract attention in the first, normally distant acquaintance and to encourage an employer to invite you for a meeting in person.
From this the main principle of writing a resume follows – one should highlight all strengths and hide what is not your strength.
One should write a resume of this kind:
- To make an employer perceive that this resume is a source of your biological data and the information on your professional experience;
- It should provide additional information which can be interesting to your employer and allow preparing a complete interview;
- It should answer the question of whether you meet the requirements set by an employer for this job.
A resume which an employer read before an interview allows him to find out quickly the most important information on a candidate, formulate the additional questions and now write the necessary information on a candidate which altogether reduces time costs and increases an effectiveness of an interview. HR-managers, secretaries, office managers, sales department heads and even accountants can solve recruitment issues. HR-specialists use a subjective method of resume selection as well as the method on the basis of formal properties (experience, employment time, skills, professional qualities, education, age, gender, etc.). In the first case subjective perception of a manager matters the most, and in the second one – professional resume highlighting advantages and neutralizing disadvantages of a candidate.
On the basis of a resume the first and a pretty stable perception of a person is formed, though it is subjective and depends on the perception stereotypes of people. If you could not get an invitation for an interview it means that for some reasons a resume did not attract attention of an employer. The only chance to succeed with a resume is the moment when it is being read for the first time. Normally, reading a resume takes no more than 3 minutes. That is why a standard form is used when compiling it. According to the most employers, it is crucial that the information is complete and brief and the same time, and the most important thing is that a candidate should prove everything during an interview.
To write a good resume, one should follow the selectivity principle. The information should be selected according to the purpose of a resume, so that the resume should only include significant aspects of your experience which matter for a position you apply for.
By a form resumes can be divided into professional (universal), chronological, functional, chronologically-functional, purposeful, and academic.
Professional (or universal) resumes are being used more often; the information there is presented in blocks. According to the specialists, this form is preferable for those whose employment record is fine. If you are in search of someone whom you can pay to get your resume written by experts online, please visit
If your working experience is insufficient or there are breaks in your employment record, it is better to write a functional resume. Functional resume is applied when describing a specific working experience and the pool of tasks where it is not necessary to place the process of getting an experience in a chronological order. This resume lays emphasis on education and special knowledge and skills. This form is also applicable in cases when there were a break in employment or it is necessary to change profession.
If your major advantage is working experience, a resume should have a chronological order with the list of all workplaces and the names of companies. Chronological or retrospective resume is more suitable for specialists who worked in the same industry for many years and wish to continue their activity in it.
Chronological-functional resume is used most frequently for highlighting some specific achievements; it also states the chronological order of getting working experience and education.
Purposeful resume is being written when the emphasis is on a search for a specific position and the query is backed with the statement of knowledge and abilities.
Academic resume is used by professors or teachers looking for a job. A list of scientific works and publications, scientific achievements, rewards and titles add up to a separate part of such resume.
The biggest resume secret is: one should right a resume not for an employee candidate, but for an employer with regards to the specifications of a company.
Therefore one of the major resume rules: one should go to a new interview with a new resume and never – without it.
Thus, correctly written resume is your helper in the search of decent work, therefore it is recommended to constantly develop one’s ability of writing resumes.
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