Best Claims Processing Software
Claims Processing Software solution provides simplified management and complete control of claims management handling and the settlement process, and enables Property and Casualty/General Insurance carriers to set workflows so that claims processes are aligned with company policy.
Best Claims Processing Software:
Claims Processing & Benefit Administration Software | PLEXIS. PLEXIS is a leading payer technology company that delivers trusted core administration and claims processing solutions to healthcare payers around the globe.

VBA Software | Benefits Administration Software.

Medvision Solution Inc. We know you need great data to deliver great healthcare. Our mission is to provide better software tools for healthcare payer organizations that reduce workload, increase efficiency, and greatly lower costs, so you can focus on patients, not on paperwork.

The Premier Software Solution for Medicare Advantage, Managed Medicaid & The Marketplace. RAM is the leading provider of customized software solutions for healthcare payers; Simplifying Administration for Medicare Advantage & Managed Medicaid Health Plans.

Virtual Claims Adjuster – Virtual Claims Adjuster – Claims Management Software. Easy To Use Online File Management Time Saving Tools 100% Guarantee.

Since 2003, DataCare continues to satisfy both small and large clients including Managed Care, Self-Insured, TPA, Insurance, Fortune 100 Corporations, and individual case managers.

ClickClaims Claims Management Software | ClickClaims. ClickClaims claims management solutions is a SaaS, Web-based claims management system for carriers and independent adjusting firms. An award winning claims software solution that integrates with policy management systems, carrier data as well as financial and accounting systems.

Professional software for the insurance industry – City Computers. City Computers is a leading supplier of advanced Run Off Systems, Run Off Software and ReInsurance Solutions to the London Insurance and Run Off Marketplace.

Top Claims Processing Software:
ACTIVUS.CO.UK – Activus is a leading worldwide supplier of application software and implementation services to the medical insurance, protection insurance and assistance markets. Activus is now part of Cegedim Insurance Solutions, the market leading and innovative technology company focused on health insurance. Our core platform, Act-isure, is at the heart of Cegedim’s international strategy.
GARVIN-ALLEN.COM – Garvin-Allen Solutions: Specialized insurance software systems. Garvin-Allen Solutions Limited has distinguished itself as one of the leading Farm, and Property and Casualty insurance software developers in the industry.
ALDERA.COM – Healthcare IT Software – Healthcare Management Systems | Aldera. Aldera’s resilient healthcare IT solution gives healthcare payers and administrators the confidence to navigate today’s increasingly value-based healthcare landscape.
BRIGHTWORKINC.COM – Brightwork’s ALYCE Claims Management System is a fast, efficient, and easy to learn Claims Management software specifically designed for self-insureds, municipalities and small TPAs.
AQUARIUMCLAIMS.COM – Robotic Process Automation | RPA | Multimodality | Aquarium Software. Experience success using Robotic Process Automation with multimodality approach. Omni-channel experience that enhances customer journey. Eliminates error.
BIZFLOW.COM – BizFlow BPM Software and Business Process Transformation Solutions.
BRIGHTOFFICE.CO.UK – Cloud CRM Software – Industry Leading CRM Software | BrightOffice. Cloud based CRM software that will revolutionise your business processes, saving you time and money!
BRITECORE.COM – BriteCore. BriteCore is the Leading Insurance Processing System for Small Property Casualty Insurance Carriers.
EMERGEADAPT.COM – Business Process & Case Management Platform in the Cloud – CaseBlocks. CaseBlocks is an adaptive Case Management platform created by EmergeAdapt which allows businesses to create custom solutions. Sign up for a free trial!
CLAIMABLE.COM – Claimable – The easiest way to manage claims online!
CLAIMPILOT.COM – ClaimPilot | Claims management made easy. ClaimPilot is the Insurance Industry’s best RMIS (Risk Management Information System) and Claims Management Software System.
MARSHCLEARSIGHT.COM – Manage Your Total Cost of Risk with Marsh ClearSight. Manage your total cost of risk, improve your organization’s operational performance, and protect its reputation through data, analytics, and collaboration.
JDIDATA.COM – Insurance Software Solutions | JDi Data. We have been providing insurance software solutions for years. Our company’s products include claims manager, policy administrator and certificate tracking.
ATRIENT.COM – Atrient | How Loyalty Is Rewarded.
DATAGENIX.COM – DATAGENIX – Claims Processing Software. Claims Software, Benefits Software and Technology Solutions for Health Benefits Payors, TPAs, and Healthcare Insurance Companies.
PHOENIX-ANODAS.CO.UK – PHOENIX. Phoenix is a tailored and scalable software solution for Insurers, Underwriters, Brokers, Managing General Agents (MGAs) and Claims Managers.
WHITESPACE.CO.UK – Whitespace Software. Whitespace develops software and services tailored to meet the specific business needs of the insurance and claims sectors. With nearly 30 years’ experience, we will leverage our knowledge and work closely with you to understand your precise business needs.
PCISVISION.COM – PCIS | Workers Compensation Policy Administration Software | Liability, Auto, WC, Property Claims Management Systems. PCIS provides multi-state insurance systems for Workers Comp Policy Administration (quote, rate, bind) and Commercial Claims Administration & Risk Management for WC, Liability, Auto, and Property.
CLAIMZONESOFTWARE.COM – Online Claims System – Claimzone. If you’ve got a claim then there’s no easier way to manage it than with Claimzone Software. Request a demo of our claims management system today!
COMPLETEHEALTHSYS.COM – Complete Health Claims Processing, Payment, and Premium Billing Software. Complete Health Systems, LC develops and offers Complete Software for all medical Claims Processing and Payment, Premium Billing, General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Receivable. All integrated for the administration of medical and mental health benefits. A Complete Solution to all of your Claims Processing, Payment, Premium Billing, and Benefits Administration needs and more.
COMCOMSYSTEMS.COM – We’re the experts at capturing, formatting, managing, optimizing and organizing data. We’ve been creating cutting-edge software and custom engineering to provide clients with affordable solutions for 25 years.
STARTECHSOFTWARE.COM – Claims Management & Medical Bill Review | Startech Software. Startech Software’s TotalEclipse™ product is a fully featured single-database Claims Management & Medical Bill Review web-based application.
EBIX.COM – Insurance Software Development,Software outsourcing companies-Ebix. Ebix Inc is a leading supplier of On-Demand software solutions & E-commerce services to the insurance industry in Offshore & Custom software development.
HEALTHEDGE.COM – HealthEdge | Software for Healthcare Payors. HealthEdge provides the only integrated financial, administrative and clinical software platform for healthcare payors.
HIPAASUITE.COM – HIPAAsuite. HIPAAsuite EDI Software Solutions HIPAA Electronic transactions healthcare claims imaging total solution payments enrollment.
AMRHEALTH.COM – W.O. Comstock & Associates, LLC. – Healthcare Application Service Provider ASP. AMRHEALTH, an Internet enabled Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) company that links providers, payers, employers and employees for more cost effective healthcare delivery.
SPISOFTWARESOLUTIONS.COM – SPI Software Solutions. SPI Software Solutions was started as a custom software development company providing solutions for Life & Health and P&C Insurance agents, brokers and GAs. Our goal was, and continues to be, automating their unique processes to maximize efficiency and increase profitability.
IDPNET.COM – Introducing InsuraSphere, an Internet-based Software as a Service (SaaS) platform for the property and casualty (P&C) insurance industry. InsuraSphere has been created specifically to enable small and regional insurance companies to affordably compete with and get ahead of even the largest carriers.
MGCARE.COM – Managed Care Systems, Inc. – Healthcare and Business Data Automation Experts | Electronic Data Interchange | Claims adjudication | Electronic Data Interchange | HIPAA.
FADATA.EU – Fadata | Innovative Insurance Software and IT Solutions. Provides Innovative Insurance and IT Solutions for General, Life, Health and Takaful with more than 60 customers on five continents and a team of qualified professionals.
CISINFORM.COM – Property and casualty insurance software. Property and casualty insurance software, and custom insurance software services.
RADIXWEB.COM – Radixweb – IT Outsourcing & Technology Consulting Company India. Radixweb is 15 years old leading global software development and IT outsourcing company in India with 400+ resources. Specializing in Embedded Systems, Software & Application Development, Cloud Computing etc.
USSISOLUTIONS.COM – Insurance Administration Software | United Systems and Software, Inc. Since 1979, USSI has been a leader in providing software solutions and professional services to the insurance industry.
INTELLECTSEEC.COM – Intellect SEEC | Insurance Software. Intellect SEEC provides an extensive portfolio covering distribution, underwriting, claims and servicing.
KMRSYSTEMS.COM – KMR Systems. KMR Systems is recognized as a leader in creating Software Solutions for varied Industries. We provide Customized State of the Art software systems. Our software is HIPAA compliant & fully integrated. KMR,s solutions also include Web Services. We provide the total solution including Hardware, Software, Forms design, OCR & Imaging, Web Site Design & Hosting & Secure Web Access to allowable information.
STREETSOLUTIONS.COM – Street Solutions, Inc. Street Solutions, Inc. (SSI) develops and distributes Loan Management System (LMS), a end-to-end solution for loan purchase and sale operations.
WLTSOFTWARE.COM – WLT Software | Claims Processing Software And Benefit Plan Administration Systems. WLT Software provides advanced claims processing software and employee benefit plan administration systems for Medical, Dental, Vision, Pharmacy, worker’s compensation and more.
MNI.GR – We are specialists in Health Insurance and since 1995 we have been exclusively developing and implementing innovative IT software solutions worldwide.
MERIMEN.COM – Leading SaaS provider for Insurance Ecosystems | Merimen. Merimen’s cloud computing SaaS platform is designed for insurance clients to address challenges of the changing economic climate and provide a new, cost-effective delivery platform.
SYMBILITYSOLUTIONS.COM – Symbility. Symbility (TSX.V: SY) believes in creating world-class experiences that simplify business and improve lives.
DAVIDCORP.COM – Insurance Risk Management | Risk Management Information Systems | David Corporation. DAVID Corp provides Insurance Risk Management technology via our industry-leading NavRisk Risk Management Information Systems.
ORIGAMIRISK.COM – Origami Risk – Industry Leading Risk Management Software. Origami Risk is the Industry Leading Risk Management Software for Corporations, Government, TPAs, Brokers and Carriers.
CLAIMBASE.COM – Claimbase – leading Risk Visibility Software Solutions. When its time to choose your Risk management software to protect your business, you want to look for a program thats going to manage all your documents and streamline the process for you. Claimbase is a superlative piece of web based Risk software that is designed to handle Incidents, Claims and Customer complaints. It puts you in control allowing you to manage and view all collated data, create automated workflows, deal with situations and events in a prompt and efficient manner. It is easily configurable with extensive reporting capabilities for both internal loss runs and compliance reporting. The management information generated by Claimbase can be used to great effect to mitigate future incidents and risks to your organisation. It can also help reduce insurance premiums while still allowing you to provide a higher level of service to your customers.
PAYORLINK.COM – PayorLink SaaS Medical Claim Cloud Computing Solutions Worldwide. PayorLink SaaS Medical Claim Cloud Computing Solutions Worldwide, Web Based for clinics, surgeries, medical centres, hospitals, pharmacies, vendors, insurance, hmo and mco, Patient Home Care, Telehealth, Hospital Information System Worldwide Health Tourism, Integrated Medical Equipment, WiFi, GPS, RFID Patient Location.
PCMICORP.COM – PCMI Corporation. Imagine a system that increases sales while reducing administration expense.
POWERCLAIM.COM – PowerClaim: Property Adjusting Software for Insurance Adjusters. PowerClaim XML is the easiest to use and most affordable property insurance adjusting software on the market.
PROGRESSCLAIM.COM – bridges the gap between multiple organisations and stakeholders, by providing an easy-to-use, real-time, online collaboration platform. Developed specifically around construction needs, it works by allowing contract parties to collaborate on a neutral platform, eliminating the need for endless spreadsheet reconciliations, email trails and heated phone calls.
ERICSYS.COM – ERIC Systems – Worker Compensation, General Liability, and Property & Casualty Claims Administration Software Since 1982.
RLSOLUTIONS.COM – RL Solutions – Healthcare Software. RL Solutions creates healthcare software for patient feedback, incident reporting & risk management, infection surveillance, peer review, root cause analysis and claims management.
SAPIENS.COM – Insurance Software Solutions | Sapiens. Insurance Sofware: P&C, General Insurance, Life & Pension and Reinsurance software. Your insurance software needs are answered with state of the art.
HI-TECHHEALTH.COM – Hi-Tech Health Inc. Whether you are looking at a claims administration system for the first time or are tired of navigating the complicated maze of your current system, Hi-Tech Health can provide a customized software solution which will eliminate your frustration and put you on the right path to success.
MEDICAL-ADMINISTRATORS.COM – SIGMA – Medical Administrators International.
SYSTEMASOFT.COM – Systema Software – Web-Based Claims Administration Systems for Workers’ Compensation, Auto, Liability and Property.
WEB.SIMSOL.COM – Simsol Software Property Estimating Solutions and Software Made Simple. Simsol Software, a leading provider of property estimating solutions, software and data management solutions to the insurance and restoration industries.
IROSOLUTIONS.COM – IRO and Peer Review Solutions. IRO Solutions in Arlington TX provides an easy to use set of applications for maintaining and reporting to the state department of Insurance, TDI.
TIATECHNOLOGY.COM – Insurance software solutions | TIA Technology A/S. Learn how TIA’s customer-centric end-to-end insurance software gives you the insight you need to build long-term profitability.
JJTECHNOLOGYCONSULTING.COM – J&J Technology Consulting, Inc. J&J Technology Consulting, Inc. provides paperless automation solutions. MergeWare product line provides Agent Web 2.0, Social Media Connect, eForm, Electronic Forms, paperless automation, CRM, software for Insurance Brokers, Truck Insurance Form Automation, and other custom solutions. Ph:(866)943-4159.
VENUECLAIMS.COM – Venue™ – Claims Software. Venue is a web based claims management system by KLJ Computer Solutions, Inc. Venue is a web based claim administration and processing software (web-based insurance claims software solution) for insurance adjusters. Track time and expenses accurately, manage documents, audio and video, track reserves and claim losses, reports, forms. Can handle all lines of business – property, casualty, liability, workers compensation, automobile, auto.
GREENWAYHEALTH.COM – EHR, Revenue Cycle Management – Greenway Health. Greenway Health provides EHR solutions and integrated clinically-driven medical billing services that enable improved clinical and financial outcomes.
BCCORP.COM – – Burkitt Computer Corporation. Comprehensive Claim Adjusting and Administration Software.
PPOONE.COM – ppoONE, Inc. At the heart of the ppoONE solution is a sophisticated provider/client data management process and claims repricing system.
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