Best Legal Case Management Software for Law Firms
Best Legal Case Management Software has been designed for the management of legal cases. It is aimed at law firms, solicitors and lawyers who wish to stream line their case management and migrate to software hosted in the cloud.
Best Legal Case Management Software for Law Firms:
ExhibitView – Courtroom Trial Presentation Software Solutions. Home of ExhibitView Solutions, LLC courtroom trial presentation and transcript software tools for Paralegal’s, staff and Courtroom Trial attorneys.

Filevine case management software | Filevine. Filevine combines case file management with intelligent communication to help firms be more efficient than ever. Schedule a demo to learn how.

Lawcus: Legal Case Management Software | Legal Practice Management Software | Legal CRM. Best web-based legal case management software with built-in CRM. Build a lean law firm practice with Kanban workflows to automate consistent matter & cases.

Prevail. Prevail is a state-of-the-art, multi-user information management system that helps law firms (and similarly-structured enterprises) manage every aspect of their case information, contacts, documents, calendars, tasks, statutes, time, costs, fees and workflow.

Legal Practice Management Software – Zola Suite. Zola Suite is a Cloud-Based Practice Management Application featuring a beautiful, easy to user interface with powerful capabilities such as builit-in email and accounting.

Case Management Software for Law Firms | Case management software by Needles law is a customizable legal case practice management software platform for law firms and lawyers. Get a Free Demo today.

Legal Software for Small Law Firms | LEAP US.

SmartAdvocate® Best plaintiff personal injury case management software. SmartAdvocate®, is a state-of-the-art case management system for plaintiffs’ personal injury law firms. Make your practice run more efficiently and profitably.

AdvantageLaw. AdvantageLaw has been a leader in innovative solutions for law firms, as well as corporate and government law departments since 1981.

Synergy International Systems.

Welcome to LexisNexis – Choose Your Path. Provider of legal, government, business and high-tech information sources. Learn more or login to your product now.

Click Notices, Inc. is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider of court services to the multifamily property management industry.

MyLegalNet | Case management portal for lawyers & clients. MyLegalNet is Asia’s 1st case management portal for lawyers & clients. MyLegalNet provides organisational & collaboration tools to help lawyers & clients work smarter.

Justice Systems – The Right Solution for the Justice System. Justice Systems has been building and supporting successful case management solutions for courts and legal practices for more than a quarter of a century.

Powerful Legal Case Management in the Cloud. Powerful Legal Case Management in the Cloud by Lucid IQ – CaseManagerPro – Case Management Software – Cloud-Based Legal Case and Matter Management Software for Law Firms with Multi-District Litigation.

LeadTrac – Debt Settlement CRM, Student Loan CRM. Web-based software platform for businesses and law firms to efficiently manage leads, campaigns, sales, clients, cases, documents, departments, roles, appointments, tasks, departmental workflows, reporting and more…

BEC Legal Systems – A Legal Software Company. BEC Legal Systems provides legal software for docketing, document assembly, matter management and matter contact management. Developers of LegalBar, MatterLink and Docket Enterprise, all part of the CoreRelate framework.

OnBase by Hyland | Enterprise Content Management Software. OnBase by Hyland enterprise content management (ECM) provides you with instant access to all your data, documents and business processes. Learn more from Hyland Software.

MicroDestek English. Legal Software – Legal Management System – Corporate Legal Management System – Cloud Legal Management System.

MatterMojo. Take your law firm or legal department to the next level with MatterMojo Time and Matter Management. Delivered as a cloud-based subscription service, MatterMojo increases productivity through enjoyable technology.

Attorney Accounting and Case Management Software for Windows -Data Development, Ltd.- Plaintiff’s Attorney Accounting and Case Management Software for Windows.

Crocodile Solutions Practice Management Software: The Easiest Way to Manage your Practice.

Public Sector Software Solutions & Services | Tyler Technologies. Tyler offers public sector software solutions designed specifically for the unique needs of state and local government organizations and school districts.

We provide AalbunIP to patent and trade mark attorneys, IP Firms, Law Firms, Universities, companies’ in-house IP functions, innovation consultants as a free hosted service. The free access includes access for all of your people. You can enter more or less unlimited number of cases in the system. The service is a self service interface to the IP management system enabling you to be on top of the case administration.

Ways Software. Ways Software has been working on most of the horizontal and vertical solutions to satisfy general and industry specific requirements for software systems. Broad spectrum of products and services includes ready to use general software systems for personnel and small to medium sized enterprises and customized software systems for large enterprises.

Case Management Software | AgileCase. Case Management Software, Cloud Case Management Software, Saas Case Management Software.

Best Practice Management Software:
IDEYATECH.COM – Offshore Software Development | Software Outsourcing Philippines. Philippines Software Development Company – Agile software developers using java technologies. HTML5, JS, Android, iOS for mobile/web application development.
CAPITACASE.COM – Case Management Software for Probation – Capita Technologies. With over 14 years of case management and criminal justice experience, Capita Tech’s next-generation probation case management solution, CapitaCase, enables criminal justice professionals to thrive, despite increasing workload demands, and gives agency management improved supervision controls, extensive graphical reporting, and performance measurements. All with the same goal of impacting lives and reducing recidivism.
SOFTWAREUNLIMITEDCORP.COM – Welcome to Software Unlimited | Case Management Systems for Prosecutors and the Justice System.
SPARTANTECHNOLOGY.COM – Spartan Technology Solutions | Legal Case ManagementSpartan Technology | Configurable and Intuitive Web-Based Case Management Solutions.
CASEPACER.COM – Legal Case Management Software for Law Firms | Case Pacer. Case Pacer is a premium Legal Case Management Software platform for Law Firms of all sizes. Check out how we can help take your firm to the next level.
CASEANDPOINT.COM – Matter Management Software for Corporate Legal Departments by Corporate Legal Solutions. Matter management software for corporate legal departments. Flexible and secure, Case&Point matter management software is designed for all types of legal matters.
CASEAWARE.COM – CaseAware® Case Management Software, Foreclosure, Eviction, Bankruptcy Software. CaseAware® is a default case management software platform created for attorneys. It is the only software platform created specifically for default servicing.
XERDICT.COM – Xerdict Group, provider of legal extranets, collaboration systems, deal rooms, legal extranets, client workspaces and e-discovery portal software to assist corporate law departments, law firms, attorneys and litigation support technology experts.
CASELODE.COM – Law Firm Software | Legal Office Software | Legal Practice Management Software.
ANACOMP.COM – ANACOMP – Computer services and document management. With over 45 years of experience providing business process solutions and strategic consulting, we improve document centric workflows and enable beneficial outcomes for our customers. Our success is built upon proven infrastructure, powered by the use of best-in-class technology, and perfected by the experience and dedication of its people.
MITRATECH.COM – Mitratech – Solutions for matter management, e-Billing & compliance. Software solutions for matter management, e-Billing and compliance for legal departments. More than 30 years of experience. Contact us today for a demo.
CASEWORTH.COM – CaseWORTH Personal Injury Damage & Expense Calculator Software.
CATALYSTSECURE.COM – Catalyst – Secure E-Discovery Software and Services.
CLASSACT.US – ClassAct. Class Act is a Case Management product for a variety of Court needs. Class Act is a fully integrated system whose powerful features allow fast processing to enable work to be accomplished efficiently. Class Act is both a Windows product and Web product which gives you a choice on what fits best. Rarely is one database, or one report writer flexible enough, so we built the product to use several database backbends (SQL Server, Oracle, etc.).
HOOWLA.COM – Hoowla | Online Case Management Software. Our case management software modernises the industry helping Conveyancers and legal Professionals manage workloads and provide a truly collaborative experience for clients and Estate Agents.
RISKRHINO.COM – RiskRhino – The Ultimate Risk Protection.. Risks, Audits, Contracts, Knowledge, Business continuity, Legal – all aspect of your business in control. Easy to use, no software investment.
PROCAT.COM – ProCAT – Extraordinary products… Exceptional value. ProCAT is a leading provider of stenographic machines, realtime computer-aided transcription (CAT) and online captioning software for steno/voice writers.
TRIALPREPLLC.COM – Summarize your Transcripts with ease. Depo provides Litigation Software tools to Summarize your Transcripts with ease. Streamline your direct and cross-examination and reduce your trial management and preparation time by up to 50% or more! Simply import transcript, extract trial questions, and automatically print questions and answers with page and line numbers matching your official transcript.
MICRO-CRAFT.NET – Micro-Craft.Net – Legal Software. Micro Craft’s new Verdict 8.0 for Windows continues a 22-year tradition of legal software design, support and technical excellence.
ISTMANAGEMENT.COM – IST – Facilities Management Copy & Mail Services.
DPSSOFTWARE.CO.UK – Legal Software Solutions for Law Firms UK | DPS Software. DPS Software provides cutting edge and reliable legal software solutions to the UK legal market. Our complete set of legal software solutions matches the needs of every law firm, in-house legal teams & a growing number of alternative business structures. Contact us now!
SOURCEHOV.COM – SourceHOV – People | Knowledge | Innovation.
SYNTAPA.COM – Syntapa Technologies Inc. Transitioning Businesses to a Unified Office.
EXPD8.COM – eXpd8 :Complete IT Solutions for your Business. eXpd8 provides Complete IT solutions including virtualisation,IT manged security,Microsoft Infrastructures,Cloud based IT managed Services for professionals.
BLUMBERG.COM – Incorporation Services with LLC or Corporate Kit. Form your LLC, PLLC, business, professional or nonprofit corporation with Blumberg incorporation services. Includes LLC or corporate kit. Kits ship free.
GOMATTERS.COM – GoMatters Online Legal Case Management for Lawyers and Law Firms. Cloud based case management puts your law firm on any device, anywhere. Multi-user support for calendar, contact, task and billing management with unlimited document storage for your entire office. Single User License $20/mo.
NOTAESYSTEMS.COM – Horatio Root Support. Horatio Helper is for freelancers, consultants, sales teams, attorneys, accountants and other professionals needing to track customer interactions. You can have unlimited users, customers and projects for FREE. Signup now and have a complete Enterprise CRM and Billing System in minutes. Your firat 1000 Memos, which includes timeslips, invoices and statements are free each month.
ICONECT.COM – iCONECT | XERA eDiscovery Legal Review Software and Services. iCONECT provides eDiscovery legal review software (XERA) and services to help organizations complete complex legal review projects more cost effectively.
CANYONSOLUTIONS.COM – Welcome to CANYON SOLUTIONS Inc, CSi provides JCATS – the premier court case management system for Juvenile Courts, Probation, Public Defenders, and Prosecutors.
COURTVIEW.COM – CourtView Justice Solutions. Measure and manage offender risks and criminogenic needs for more informed decision making.
LAWALIGN.COM – Law Align – Personal Injury Case Management Software | Best Plaintiff Personal Injury Case Management Software.
SELECTLEGAL.CO.UK – Legal Software For Solicitors – Accounts, Case Management … Select Legal Systems Limited provides legal software including legal accounts & case management software for law firms. Read more or call us on 01482 567601.
LAWSTREAM.COM – LawStream Law Office Management for Mac OS X and Windows.
RUJULCRM.COM – Legal CRM Software |Practice Management Software | Law Firm Software. You can collaborate with ease with our CRM software, rujulcrm-legal, which also help your firm to develop an efficient automated business processes.
LEGALTRACKSOFTWARE.COM – Legal Track™| Corporate Legal software in MS Outlook. Matter management software used by in-house counsel of corporate legal departments. Integrates with Microsoft Outlook, Office 365 and SharePoint.
LEGALOFFICE.CO.UK – Legal Software for Small Law Firms UK | Peapod Legal Office Software. Cloud legal software for small law firms in the United Kingdom. Take the feature or download a brochure.
LEGISSOLUTIONS.CO.UK – Legis Solutions – Case Management Solutions.
Legis Solutions is a leading provider of Case Management, Document Management and Client Relationship Management / Business Management systems across a spectrum of Business Sectors.
Our clients range from large LLP’s through to two Partner Practices; from large commercial companies, to SME’s. We provide systems and support. Key clients include B&Q, NCTL (part of the Dept for Education), Irwin Mitchell, Blake Morgan.
So whatever your sector or size of business, if you require Case Management, Document Management or Client Relationship Management / Business Management software, we have a system for you.
Key functionality: Legis | Synergy …
- Online Client Portal
- Email Integration
- Task Lists
- Dashboard
- File Notes
- Diary History
- E-signatures via ESign or Omnisign
- Intelligent Document Generation
- Time Recording
- Disbursements and Fees
- Management Reporting
- Claims Portal Integration
- Document Management
- LaserForms Integration
- SMS messaging
LEXPI.COM – LexPI. Our firm has provided personal injury software to the New York legal community since 1987.
LINETIME.CO.UK – Linetime Legal Software Suppliers of Legal Case Management and Practice Management Software | Linetime.
MATRIXPOINTESOFTWARE.COM – Matrix – The Operating System for Law. Matrix Pointe Software enables law enforcement agencies, prosecutors’ offices, defense attorneys, jails and the courts to be more efficient and productive.
CONNECTREX.COM – Connectrex. Connectrex develops smart technology supervision software for the community correction community.
FORENSIS.COM – Document Scanning Services | E-discovery | Litigation Support | Forensis. Forensis Document Scanning Services & E-Discovery Services. Award Winning Document Scanning Service and E-Discovery Services. Top Quality at the Lowest Price.
ADVOCATEINCOMENETWORK.COM – Practice Management Software. Olivia Prime is a powerful Social Security disability claims processing program. It enables you to process more cases faster and with less work. It’s inexpensive, easy-to-use, cloud-based and contains a collection of exclusive tools designed to bring greater speed, ease and efficiency to the SSA disability process.
PERFECTSOFTWARE.CO.UK – Legal practice management software for tracking Law firms and Solicitors client records – Perfect Software Ltd : Perfect Software. Perfect Software provides legal practice management software designed for small firms and sole practitioners.
PIKASOFTWARE.COM – Pika Software – Case Management for Legal Services.
HIPERSOFT.COM – Legal Case Management Software for Macintosh and Windows. We provide Legal Case Management Software for Macintosh and Windows, Designed by attorneys for attorneys.
ELITE.COM – Enterprise Business Management Solutions | Elite. Elite offers enterprise financial management, client & matter management, and risk management solutions to legal and professional service organizations.
SELAHTECHNOLOGY.COM – Selah Legal Technology, LLC – Selah Legal Technology LLC. Selah is an information systems company specializing in cloud-based IT solutions for law firms. Our clients include firms of all sizes and practice areas throughout the United States. Selah provides consulting; configuration support; financial feasibil.
SHAREDO.CO.UK – Legal Case Management Software. An adaptive case, matter, claims and practice management software platform for enterprise legal firms. sharedo optimises processes and maximises the efficiency of legal firms.
ACCESSDATA.COM – E-Discovery & Computer Forensics | AccessData. AccessData is the leading provider of E-Discovery, Computer and Mobile Device Forensics for corporations, law firms and government agencies.
SUSTAIN.NET – Sustain implementations are professionally managed and tailored to your specific needs. Experienced support comes from seasoned consultants who specialize in creating solutions for courts and justice agencies.
THEATTORNEYCASEFILE.COM – The Attorney Case File. The Attorney Case File is a comprehensive forms-based law office case management system designed to cover every aspect of a case from initial client contact through final adjudication. It covers civil or criminal, family or corporate, tax or tort, plaintiff or defendant, court or office, and much more, and includes important details such as billable hours tracking, investigative tools, and a well-organized trial notebook.
RIMUS-TECH.COM – RIMUS Technologies Pvt Ltd. RIMUS Technologies Pvt Ltd offers a wide range of services in Information Security, Networking/Network Management and Cloud Security domains to our customers. Teamed by people who have expertise in these domains, have made remarkable contribution in companies’ growth they worked for. We are highly committed to serve customers to the best of their satisfaction. Our offerings include software development, testing, technical writing, translations and last but not the least post-sales support in these areas.
APPLESOURCE.BIZ – Best Mac time tracking invoicing billing software, legal billing, case management, project management, domain name tracking, server monitoring, business apps for Mac OS X.
TOPDOGLEGAL.COM – Legal Case Management Software for Attorneys and Lawywers. We offer affordable legal case management software for attorneys, lawyers, and law firms. Law Software and Legal Software Case Management.
BIAPROTECT.COM – eDiscovery, Electronic Discovery, Computer Forensics, Data Discovery, Legal Holds | BIA. BIA provides software and services for eDiscovery, Computer Forensics, Litigation Support, Data Analytics, and Regulatory Compliance.
SOLUTIONSPEC.COM – Tracker Case Management Software. Case Management software for probation, detention, community corrections, court services, parole, prosecution, public defender, residential treatment, community-based programs, restitution, fee collection, victim assistance.
GOTRITEK.COM – Tritek Case Management. With over 20 years of industry experience and development, our software provides efficient handling of all case aspects, from intake forms to calendaring. We help you generate more revenue and spend less time organizing your case files.
VIRTUALCASEMANAGEMENT.COM – Virtual Case Management. Allow staff, vendors and clients to collaborate over cases securely. Communicate by log, email and instant messaging and control what can be viewed and accessed.
YOUWINLAW.COM – Law Firm Software | YouWinLaw. Manage your law firm with legal practice management software by YouWinLaw. Case management software for Attorneys, Lawyers, Law Firms and Legal departments. Includes Document assembly and Time and Billing.
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Permanent Address :- Montville, NJ
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