Best Statistical Analysis Software
Statistical Analysis Software brings powerful statistical analysis and data visualisation into Microsoft Excel. All the statistical analysis you need, in an application you already know. There’s no locked-in file format. No need to transfer data from one system to another.
And no learning curve. Just the tools Excel is missing. The ones that make powerful analysis easier.
Best Statistical Analysis Software:
Maxstat – Free and easy statistics software. MaxStat is an easy-to-use and free statistical software for scientific data analysis, especially designed for students and researchers. Free lite version available.

Minitab. By combining data-driven decision-making with Minitab analysis, Crayola transformed the way it does business, enabling the company to concentrate its resources where they have the greatest impact.

Credit scoring software. Practical credit scoring tools. Plug&Score. Plug&Score provides an unique and innovative approach to credit scoring modeling. It is credit risk scoring software, loan score program for scorecard model.

Lumina | Business Intelligence Tools, Enterprise Risk Management & Decision Support Software | Analytica – Lumina Decision Systems.

Statwing | Efficient and Delightful Statistical Analysis Software for Surveys, Business Intelligence Data, and More.

Data Analysis and Statistical Software | Stata. Data Analysis and Statistical Software for Professionals. Stata is a complete, integrated statistics package that provides everything you need for data analysis, data management, and graphics.

XLSTAT | statistical software for Excel. XLSTAT is a user-friendly statistical software for Microsoft Excel. It is the most complete and widely used data analysis add-on for Excel, PC and Mac.

AcaStat Software. Low cost alternatives to expensive statistical software packages.

AM Statistical Software. AM is still in Beta release, and the new Beta Version 0.06.00 adds substantial capability. Some of the enhancements include:
- Graphics. For the first time, AM offers statistical graphics. Right now, it produces bar charts, line charts, and the new Sectioned Density Plot. The sectioned density plot is designed to compare distributions—we think of it as the next generation of the box-and-whisker plot. Look to future releases for expanded graphic capability.
- New import/export facilities that enable you to easily import/export data to/from nearly 150 different data file formats, as well as over ODBC. See File | Import | General Import and File | Export | General Export on AM’s main menu.
- Sample-design consistent Wald tests of model fit for all regression models, including the point-and-click ability to test the significance of subsets of regressors.
- A new Mantel-Haenszel stratified chi-square test of the type typically used to evaluate differential item function on tests. As with all AM procedures, this one provides significance tests that are appropriate for complex sample designs.
- An expanded set of models when the preferred variance estimation method is one of the replication methods.

Statistics software for statistical analysis in Microsoft Excel. We develop Analyse-it — the unrivaled statistics software for in-depth statistical analysis and visualization in Excel.

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Public safety and law enforcement officials need the ability to quickly view actionable intelligence on local, regional and national events. The ability to connect and analyze data from disparate law enforcement systems in a user-friendly system is critical. Using strong technology, robust analytics, crime mapping and visual tools, law enforcement is better equipped to make informed deployment decisions when dealing with regional series, patterns and trends.

OpenText Actuate Analytics and Reporting. We provide scalable solutions for creating & delivering dynamic, customized data-driven apps with embedded analytics that save time & improve brand experiences.

Statsols | Provider of nQuery Sample Size Calculator & PX Analytics. Statsols has been providing innovative statistical solutions to statisticians and researchers for over 20 years through nQuery sample size calculator software.

Salford Systems – Data Mining and Predictive Analytics Software. Data Mining and predictive analytics Software to make better business decisions.

CoHort Software – Graphics and Statistics Software for Scientists and Engineers. Graphics and statistics software for scientists and engineers: CoPlot (for publication quality 2D and 3D graphs, maps, and technical drawings), CoStat (for statistical analysis), and CoCalc (a free RPN scientific calculator).

Software Solutions for Manufacturing Excellence. MES solutions for manufacturing.

CRICKET STATZ. Generate over 80 advanced cricket statistics reports from this versatile software package. Import matches from MyCricket, Play-Cricket and many scoring apps. Publish match and statistics reports to your web site. The Batting Order Optimiser feature helps coaches establish the perfect batting line up. The Historical Data Manager allows you to include historical statistics and results, including importing historical summary data from Excel. For PC’s running Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7.

Daktronics :: Scoreboards, LED Video Displays, Message Signs, Billboards.

Data Description, Inc. Data Description develops, sells, and supports data exploration and visualization applications and innovative statistics and training software.

Decision Analyst. Providing marketing research and analytical consulting services to helping companies measure, interpret, predict, and navigate the future is what Decision Analyst is all about.

Best Statistical Software:
DEVELVE.NET – Develve Statistical Software for Quality Improvement DOE normality sample size. Develve Statistical Software for Quality Improvement,Design of Experiments (DOE), normality test, sample size calculations, Weibull analysis, Gauge R&R.
MATHWAVE.COM – EasyFit – Distribution Fitting Software. Easily find the best fitting distribution and use it to make better decisions. Free 30-day trial, flexible licensing.
ESBCONSULT.COM – ESB Consultancy Home Page. ESB Consultancy – Software Development and Training – Based in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia.
FORECASTPRO.COM – Welcome to Forecast Pro – Software for sales forecasting, inventory planning, demand planning and collaborative planning.
GRAPHPAD.COM – A powerful combination of biostatistics, curve fitting (nonlinear regression) and scientific graphing. Find out what makes Prism the program of choice for many of the world’s leading universities, medical centers, research institutes and pharmaceutical companies, and what’s new in Prism 7.
JMP.COM – Statistics – Data Analysis – DOE – Six Sigma | JMP Statistical Software from SAS.
ANGOSS.COM – Predictive analytics and business intelligence software and solutions | Angoss Angoss’ predictive analytics and data mining software solutions help companies grow revenue, increase sales productivity, improve marketing effectiveness, deepen customer loyalty, and reduce risk, using data profiling and visualization, decision tree analysis, predictive modeling, scoring and strategy building.
COMSOL.COM – COMSOL Multiphysics® Modeling Software. COMSOL is the developer of COMSOL Multiphysics software, an interactive environment for modeling and simulating scientific and engineering problems.
LUMENAUT.COM – Monte Carlo Risk Simulation, Decision Tree, Statistical Analysis Add-in Software for Excel by Lumenaut.
GIWEBB.COM – Bringing you the state-of-the-art in Data Science.
DIGIMIZER.COM – Digimizer Free Image Analysis Software. Free image analysis software. Easy to use.
NLREG.COM – NLREG — Nonlinear Regression Analysis Program. NLREG performs linear and nonlinear regression analysis and curve fitting. NLREG can handle linear, polynomial, exponential, logistic, periodic, and general nonlinear functions.
NUMBERANALYTICS.COM – Number Analytics | an easy to use cloud based statistical software. We provide a cloud based statistical analytics for business professionals; regression, logistic regression, customer segmentation, demand analysis, new product prediction,
NUMXL.COM – NumXL is a Microsoft Excel time series software add-in. It provides scores of analytic functions and a intuitive user interfaces and shortcuts to guide you through the entire analysis and forecast process.
ALTREDO.COM – Binary Options Robot, Binary Options Signals, Forex Robot.
NCSS.COM – Statistical Software | Sample Size Software | NCSS. Order your NCSS and PASS software today! NCSS provides quality statistical software that is comprehensive, accurate, and easy to use.
MEGAPUTER.COM – Megaputer Intelligence – Data Mining and Text Mining Software.
POWER-ANALYSIS.COM – Power Analysis Sample Size Calculation Statistical Software. Sample Size – Power Analysis Software: To find or calculate the sample size for a planned study. Power And Precision is a computer program for statistical power analysis. This software features an extremely clear interface, and it allows researchers to create reports, tables and graphs. Free trial download.
EQUALIS.COM – Equalis – Numerical Analysis & Simulation Software. Equalis provides powerful numerical analysis and simulation software applications at a fraction of the cost of other solutions.
FORTEWARES.COM – Forte Wares. Forte Wares is the solutions division of Forte Consultancy Group, which has delivered more than 100 analytics-driven projects to leading organizations across the EMEA region.
QSYST.COM – Qualisyst Ltd. has over 20 years of experience in the development of metrology, quality assurance and quality management software. Our mission of enhancing our customers’ efficiency is achieved by applying the holistic approach to increasing productivity and quality while minimizing costs. Together with our innovative software solutions, the partnership we cultivate with our customers has laid the ground for our continuing success.
MARKITSOFT.COM – Excel Spreadsheets for Business Plans, Forecasts & Budgets. Our Excel spreadsheets help managers create business plans, budgets, management reports, sales forecasts and credit reports for faster and smarter financial planning and business forecasting.
SCILAB.IO – – Open Source Modeling, Simulation and Scientific Data Analysis.
LISA-LIMS.COM – T & P Bochum and Bern | lisa.lims | | t & p Bochum and Bern | With lisa.lims, and we have established ourselves in the IT industry. | t & p Bochum and Bern.
STATISTIX.COM – Statistix. Statistix is a top-rated, easy-to-use, inexpensive statistical analysis program designed for researchers. Download a free trial version.
STATISTIXL.COM – Powerful data and statistical analysis software for Microsoft Excel. StatistiXL is an advanced data and statistical analysis package that runs as an add-in to Windows versions of Microsoft Excel. It contains dozens of powerful analytical tools that are quick to learn and easy to use.
STATPAC.COM – Survey Software – Crosstabs Software – Online and Paper Surveys. Survey software for online/Web surveys, paper surveys, email surveys, and interviewing. Outstanding crosstab and banner tables and statistical analysis.
CYTEL.COM – Cytel. Cytel statistical and clinical research experts again showcased at JSM 2015 in Seattle.
RTI.ORG – RTI. RTI is an independent, nonprofit institute that provides research, development, and technical services to government and commercial clients worldwide. Our mission is to improve the human condition by turning knowledge into practice.
CAMO.COM – CAMO Software, Leading Multivariate Data Analysis and Design of Experiments solutions provider. Multivariate Data Analysis & Design of Experiments software for Process Control, Chemometrics, Spectroscopy & Data Mining in industry & research.
TIBCO.COM – TIBCO | Global Leader in Infrastructure and Business Intelligence Software. TIBCO Software is the leading independent provider of infrastructure software creating event-enabled enterprises to use on-premise or as part of cloud computing environments.
TURBOSTATS.COM – Baseball, Basketball, Softball, Football, Volleyball, Statistic Software App. TurboStats for Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Football, FREE DOWNLOADS. Used by thousands of teams! Tracks 100+ statistics, unlimited teams/games, team and league standings, field layouts and lineup cards, generate web pages any stat. pie, bar and line graphs, backup & restore, Righty/Lefty breakdowns.
UNISTAT.COM – Unistat Statistics Software | UNISTAT® 6.5 | UNISTAT – the ultimate Excel statistics add-in.
WHATAGRAPH.COM – Customise & Visualise Website Reports | Whatagraph. Whatagraph helps marketing agencies and independent website owners to get full overview of web performance by using visual repo.
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