Best Legal Billing Software For Small Business
Best Legal Billing Software is designed for time management, client cost and billing management and budgeting management. There are many software packages of all sizes in the marketplace, for busy professional lawyers and law fims respectively.
Best Legal Billing Software For Small Business:
Time Billing Software | Bill4Time. Time Billing Software by Bill4time. The simple & accurate solution to track time online. Simplify your billing, invoicing, recover lost revenue & track time from anywhere.

Web-based billing software for lawyers. Widely used legal billing software. Free trial. Free phone support.

Web-Based Timekeeping Trust Accounting Legal Billing Software. Web-based legal billing software, timekeeping, software for lawyers,legal billing,expense tracking, time billing, trust accounting.

SlickPie – Free Cloud Accounting Software for Small Business. SlickPie is free online accounting software for small business, freelancers & bookkeepers. Easy online invoicing, online payments, expense tracking and more. Try it for Free!

Legal Technology, Products and Services | Legal Solutions. Discover legal technology and law products including Westlaw, law books, practice management solutions and more at Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters.

Case Management Software for Law Firms | Case management software by Needles law is a customizable legal case practice management software platform for law firms and lawyers. Get a Free Demo today.

Legal Practice Management Software for Small Law Firms | LEAP US. Simplify your practice management with easy-to-use, all-in-one law practice management software from LEAP US. Start today.

AdvantageLaw. AdvantageLaw has been a leader in innovative solutions for law firms, as well as corporate and government law departments since 1981. Founded in California by Silicon Valley software developers, and originating with our ABA-approved legal software system, we have continually upgraded the capabilities of our legal software products and have served hundreds of satisfied customers. Contact us at

The Tussman Program | The No Nonsense Legal Billing Program.

Legal Software – Legal Solutions – Aderant. Legal Software, Legal Technology, Legal Project, Practice Management Software and Legal Matter Management Solutions including, Case Management, Financial Management, Law Firm Accounting, Time and Billing, Business Intelligence, Docketing, Court Rules.

doeLEGAL – Home – Superior Legal eBilling, Case Management & eDiscovery Solutions. Servicing the legal market for 44 years, doeLEGAL earns its clients’ business every day through technology, service, collaboration, and predictable pricing.

LawyerTime: Business Management Software for the Legal Profession. Our aim is to make billing and recording time as easy as 1-2-3 and free your time to focus on what really matters: billable time. By giving you the option to use UTBMS activity, timekeeping and expense codes, including J-codes you will know that you are not only billing faster but billing more accurately. And happy customers means increased repeat and referral business.

Online Bill Payment. Automate your business payments with recurring payments, eCheck, eInvoicing, Mobile, Level III, Online bill payment and more.

Capture – Time Capture App For Smartphones/Desktops. tracks billable minutes during quick calls/email exchanges on your smartphone/desktop, and integrates with your practice management system.

Attorney Accounting and Case Management Software for Windows – Data Development, Ltd.- Plaintiff’s Attorney Accounting and Case Management Software for Windows.

Expense Report Software from Chrome River. The modern workforce demands more from business technology. They expect every application to be intuitive, elegant and work flawlessly. Anything less is unacceptable. Chrome River meets the challenge of today’s workforce with the newest version of its expense report and invoice management solutions. Totally mobile to work anywhere, anytime on any device.

MDansby. Property Management Software, Legal Billing Software, Church Management Software, Mental Health Software, Private Investigator Software by LLC.

BillingTracker: Time Billing and Invoicing Software for Attorneys, CPA, Lawyer, accountants, legal. We offer billing software and invoice software for small business professionals. Accounting software for any business. Download your free trial today.

Top Legal Management Software:
BRIEFLEGAL.COM – Brief Legal Software introduces Brief Accounting – a fully integrated time, billing and accounting program custom-designed for the contemporary law firm. Brief Accounting is a powerful, flexible and easy-to-use accounting program and is developed specifically for law firms on the Mac.
BRIGHTFLAG.COM – Brightflag is a platform for managing and controlling your external legal costs. It uses newlanguage analysis technologies to read invoice narratives and drive savings with the data.
CASEMASTERPRO.COM – Case Master Law Firm Management Debt Collection Software. Case Master Pro is a fully featured Windows based program that is specifically tailored for complete case management, trust accounting, and debt collection.
CASSANDRASOFTWARE.COM – Cassandra Software. Cassandra Software is the leading Arizona based legal software specialist for attorneys, other legal professionals and small businesses.
COYOTEANALYTICS.COM – Coyote Analytics – A Complete Law Practice Management System.
THOMSONREUTERS.COM – Thomson Reuters. The intelligence, technology and human expertise you need to find trusted answers. Thomson Reuters is The Answer Company.
ELAWSYSTEMS.COM – eLawSystems Corporation • Austin, Texas. eLawSoftware has been developing criminal case management software since 1992. Our mission is to design a program for the criminal defense attorney.
ESILAW.COM – Law Firm Software – Billing, Time Tracking, Accounting and Practice Management Software for Law Firms.
NOTAESYSTEMS.COM – Horatio Helper is for freelancers, consultants, sales teams, attorneys, accountants and other professionals needing to track customer interactions. You can have unlimited users, customers and projects for FREE. Signup now and have a complete Enterprise CRM and Billing System in minutes. Your firat 1000 Memos, which includes timeslips, invoices and statements are free each month.
INTERBILL.COM – Attorney Billing Software – Service | Interbill. Interbill is a complete attorney billing software and service solution with robust security and confidentiality features. Please call us 707-584-9430.
CASELODE.COM – Law Firm Software | Legal Office Software | Legal Practice Management Software. CASELODE from Morningstar offers a total solution for law firms including both Front Office and Back Office.
DTBUSINESS.COM – Complete, mature web-based practice management software which includes time entry, calendaring, billing, accounts receivable, disbursements, general ledger, trust accounting, external calendar synchronization, certified email, legal billing software and document storage for attorneys and professionals.
ELAWTIME.COM – Legal Time & Billing Software for Law Firms – LawTime. The premier provider of Time and Billing Software for Law Firms which includes financial accounting software, time and billing software, accounting practice management software & legal practice management software.
LAWYERTRUSTACCOUNT.COM – Lawyer Trust Account Software – LawTrust. LawTrust is a trust account accounting software designed primarily for lawyers. Easily maintain your office trust account. We keep the auditors at bay.
CHAOSSOFTWARE.COM – Chaos Software contact manager email client crm. Award winning Contact Management and Legal Billing software for Windows and Web.
MYLEGALBILLING.COM – is an easy to use, web based legal billing software solution designed specifically for attorneys and law firms. With our fully integrated software, you will be able to record time and expenses more efficiently and improve your bottom line for one low monthly price for your entire firm.
INTELLIPADCRM.COM – Versys Software Inc. – IntelliPad CRM for Law Firm Marketing. CRM automation for law firm marketing to manage client and prospect relationships , works with Outlook and Exchange, SQL Server, and Constant Contact email.
LEGALPLATFORM.ORG – LegalPlatform. legal platform with solutions for Contract management, corporate housekeeping, company register and compliance.
BOTTOMLINE.COM – Bottomline Technologies – Financial Process Automation. Bottomline is a leading global provider of payments and invoice automation software and services for organizations seeking more secure and efficient financial processes.
VANGUARDINFOTECH.COM – Vanguard Info Tech – Makers of Legitigant, Legal Billing Software. Legitigant® is an easy-to-use web-based tool that handles billing specifically for small to mid-size law offices. With access to a computer and the internet, Legitigant can help you begin to automate the tracking and accounting of your all your firm’s billable activities.
LINETIME.CO.UK – Linetime Legal Software Suppliers of Legal Case Management and Practice Management Software | Linetime.
MANGOBILLING.COM – Mango Billing – Time and Billing Software | CPA Billing | Invoicing. Mango Billing is Time and Billing software for CPA’s, Lawyers, IT Consultants and any organization that tracks time and expenses for billing and invoicing.
ELITE.COM – Enterprise Business Management Solutions | Elite. Elite offers enterprise financial management, client & matter management, and risk management solutions to legal and professional service organizations.
RTGSOFTWARE.COM – RTG: Legal Time and Billing Software – Timekeeping and Billing, Legal Billing, Attorney Billing, Law Office Accounting. Billing Made Easy: RTG Bills is software for legal billing and time tracking; for attorneys in law firms and sole practitioners; lawyer billing and accounting software; trust accounting.
NEWWAVETEK.COM – TekLAW Practice Management Software – New Wave Tek IT Staffing Service. New Wave Tek, home of TekLaw law office practice management software. New Wave Tek for IT Staffing, we’re the technology placement service to meet your staffing needs.
INTAPP.COM – Intapp – Software for a Changing Legal Market. Intapp is a strategic technology provider to law firms, offering integrated solutions to address top objectives.
APPLESOURCE.BIZ – AppleSource Software | Powering Business on Mac OS X | Best Mac time tracking, invoicing, legal billing, domain name management, case management, project management, and reporting software. Best Mac time tracking invoicing billing software, legal billing, case management, project management, domain name tracking, server monitoring, business apps for Mac OS X.
JDIDATA.COM – Insurance Software Solutions | JDi Data. We have been providing insurance software solutions for years. Our company’s products include claims manager, policy administrator and certificate tracking.
VIRTUALPRACTICES.CO.UK – Hosted legal software and cashiering service – Virtual Practices – Virtual Practices. Legal software and outsourced cashiering for start-up, boutique and specialist legal businesses.
YOUWINLAW.COM – Law Firm Software | YouWinLaw. Manage your law firm with legal practice management software by YouWinLaw. Case management software for Attorneys, Lawyers, Law Firms and Legal departments. Includes Document assembly and Time and Billing.
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