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Top 10 Split Testing Software

Most people in the internet marketing game know the importance of split testing.

However, the question they often ask is what to split test?.

Well, to be honest, the answer is everything. That’s right, in order to maximize your chances of success in business you are going to have to be willing to split test anything and everything regarding whatever it is you have to offer. You should never disregard any area of your business when it comes to split testing.

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That being said, we will discuss here some of the more important things you should be split testing. The first thing you should split test is your web page and whatever it is that you are offering or providing on it. If it is a product sales page in nature then play around with the order button. The design, the placement, and maybe even the price. And likewise if it is a service you are offering as opposed to a product.

Next up is your email messages. This is especially important if you have a sizeable subscriber list. Come up with as many variations (not too many though) of your message as you wish. The key thing here is to make sure they are divided evenly among the people who have opted in to receive emails from you. Just about any autoresponder service will have tools with which you can track which emails are most successful.

Now we come around to your ads. By all means you absolutely have to split test your ads. It doesnít matter if they are little text ads or large display ones. Test, test and test again. If they are of the display type, then do not tweak the ad so much that people don’t recognize your site, product or service. However, it is different with a text ad. You can literally change almost every word here, as long as the meaning is still the same.

Do not overlook split testing with certain pages of your website. It doesnít just have to be the home or sales page. If you are able to find a certain page of your site that becomes sticky and keeps the visitor there longer, go for it. The more time they spend on your site period, the better the chance is that you may be able to convert them into buyers and hopefully long term repeat customers. Everything is fair game when it comes to what to split test.

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What Are The Benefits Of Split Testing?

There are many benefits of split testing. But perhaps the biggest one of all is that it may be the deciding factor as to whether your online business succeeds or not. It really is that important. How else are you going to know what works and what fizzles? Not utilizing split testing is like trying to move around in the dark, and with a blindfold on to boot. Not to mention that you are probably leaving a whole lot of money on the table if youíre not doing it.

One benefit of split testing is if you are using it in ad campaigns. Should you opt to purchase ad space, you would do well to have different versions of the same ad put up. By implementing good tracking procedures you will quickly and easily find out which particular ads are worth the money and which ones you need to toss aside. This ensures that you are getting the most bang for your advertising buck.

If you are using Google Adwords then you can potentially wind up paying less cost per click for your ads. How is that you ask? Well, Google tends to base a part of the price structure on good keywords and how well your ad is designed. The way this works with split testing is that you will quickly find out by reduced costs per click which ones are making the grade.

You can also use split testing in a question or survey kind of way. This is done by asking visitors to your site or your email subscribers which type of design or format they like best. Yet another benefit of split testing is that you can often do it without spending one dime. Yes, if you decide that Adwords or paid advertising is not for you, or you can’t afford it at the time, simply try it out with your email subscribers.

Your autoresponder will easily let you know what is working best. And there are also other ways besides Adwords (which can get costly) in which you can do your split testing. For example, on certain internet forums, they allow you to put a little description of your site or service in your signature line. Simply play around with different messages and see what gets the most clicks.

Still another benefit of split testing is that once you find what works, it frees up a lot of your time to focus on other aspects of your business. You can just stick with the successful portions of your split testing until they no longer become effective. Then and only then will you have to go back to split testing.

How To Split Test

We are going to assume that you realize the importance of split testing.

After all, the title of this article pretty much assures you do. However, you must know how to split test if you are going to have any hope of succeeding in your internet endeavors. By the time you are finished reading this it is our hope that you will have a good idea of how to split test. First, we will give a brief primer on why you need to do so.

Don’t just presume that because you have that fancy looking website put up with that elaborate sales button or opt-in form that this is all you will need to do. You then have to market the site along with its service or product. And the most effective way by far to do this is to split test. Now we get into how to split test. First, if you are using ads, rotate them. Don’t just stop at two. If you can, try and have three or four different ones with which to test.

However, do not make them drastically different. Just tweak one or two minor things on each and see which one pulls and/or converts best. This next tip on how to split test is one of the most important of all. Track you ads and campaigns. Failure to do so could very well make your split testing all for nothing. Without good tracking you will have no idea what is working and what isnít.

Utilize analytics in your spit testing. There is Google Analytics along with Alexa and other methods with which to do so. Where Alexa comes in handy is that it helps you learn how to formulate your future split testing methods. Now, if you are utilizing split testing from an email standpoint there are some important things to note.

However many different types of emails you decide to send out; make sure they are evenly divided among your subscribers. This will give you a crystal clear picture of what is getting the most clicks and conversions. Should you find that none of them are getting the desired results, simply go back to the drawing board and come up with new ones.

These tips and pointers are the primary ones you need to keep in mind and implement when it comes to your split testing. And one last important note. No matter how successful you may become, never stop split testing. You never know, that campaign thatís been working like gangbusters might be outdone by the next method of split testing on tap.


Top 10 Split Testing Software:


Split integrates continuous delivery & full-stack experimentation in a single platform giving any team the power to make smarter product decisions. BEST!!!




VWO is the all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform™ that helps you conduct visitor research, build an optimization roadmap, and run continuous experimentation.




A/B testing software and multivariate testing software are both tools that you find in Convert Experiences A/B testing tool. Compare A/B testing software.




Use Artificial Intelligence to get an unfair advantage on your Amazon competition with the smartest Amazon Listing Optimization software out there!




Website personalization tools, product recommendation engine, behavioural targeting and click fraud prevention.




DistilledODN allows you to test exactly which changes to your website will result in an uplift in traffic from search engines. Simple.




Sentient Ascend is the world’s first conversion optimization platform to use AI. Our algorithms mean you can test more website ideas in a fraction of the time as typical A/B testing.




Conversion optimization platform to drive sales, increase email lead capture and improve website messaging.




Joe Bennett – Chicago SEO and Conversion Analysis. We provide free Spilt Testing software for web sites of all sizes.




Nelio A/B Testing is the best conversion platform for WordPress. Test everything and get the most out of your site!



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