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Top 8 Best Enterprise Feedback Management Software

Successful companies are doing more than gathering data from customer satisfaction surveys.  They are making an investment in shaping a customer’s expectation and experience with their product or service by putting into place large-scale systems that can gather, analyze, and act upon feedback from customer interaction in an increasingly faster manner.

Read More: Top 5 Best Enterprise Feedback Management Software

Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) refers to the organizational-wide managing of feedback from customers on the experiences they had with the company’s products or services.  Customer Experience Management (CEM), refers to the ability an organization has to create and fulfill the customers expectations of a company’s products or services.

EFM is a tool for CEM

Goals of Enterprise Feedback Management

  • Optimize the ability of an organization to collect data and take action in a timely manner
  • Provide better customer experiences at every interaction with the company
  • Centralize the management of customer feedback
  • Focus on creating actions that drive change – not on collecting tons of data

Key Elements of Enterprise Feedback Management

  • Feedback collection at every level of customer interaction
  • Targeted, sample surveys that integrate with “organic” collection of customer information at point-of-contact
  • Quick response time from collection of data to action on data (ultimately done in real-time)
  • Enterprise-wide deployment of action items

Getting the customer to have a positive response to a company’s product or service is as important as the product or service itself.  In order to make a measurable increase in a customer’s positive response, a managed feedback mechanism must be in place, as well as a mechanism to carry out the recommended actions that the system produces. This is what is referred to as Enterprise Feedback Management.

8 Reasons for an enterprise to collect customer feedback:

  1. Demonstrate its commitment to listening to customers
  2. Improve customer satisfaction and retention
  3. Improve quality of services provided
  4. Increase repeat business
  5. Learn what the customer thinks of competitors
  6. Help evaluate the sales organization
  7. Obtain information on new product developments
  8. Provide a way for customers to vent negative experiences

6 Common methods of obtaining customer feedback:

  1. Customer satisfaction surveys
  2. Email / website forms
  3. Polling front line employees
  4. Extracting from a customer database
  5. Focus groups
  6. Web-watching

7 Ways for an Enterprise feedback to Implement Action Items

  1. Get executive buy-in
  2. Establish goals
  3. Invest in a centralized feedback management system
  4. Maintain real-time data collection
  5. Train employees on taking action
  6. Provide communication throughout enterprise
  7. Tie business outcomes to successful customer feedback programs


Top 10 Best Enterprise Feedback Management:


Powering Actionable Intelligence | Verint Systems. Capture, analyze and act on the Voice of the Customer across all channels with Verint Enterprise Feedback Management.




The Leading Research & Experience Software | Qualtrics. One of the most outstanding differences that separates the Qualtrics Research Suite from other online market research tools is its ability to be used by entire organizations.




Enterprise Survey Software – Enterprise Feedback Management. A suite of interconnected and easy-to-use information collection and analysis tools, including online surveys, mobile data collection, advanced analytics and data visualization.




MaritzCX | Customer Experience Software and Research. MaritzCX provides Customer Experience software (CX) and research to help you respond to the Voice of the Customer instantly through our CX Platform.




Kinetic Survey is an award-winning Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) system.




eSurveysPro is a revolutionary new tool to create and publish custom surveys in minutes, and then view results graphically and in real time.




Online Feedback Platform & Web Survey Software | Inquisium. No one does enterprise feedback management like Inquisium. Serious survey and feedback programs for serious businesses. Start a free trial today!




Online survey software & questionnaire tool, survey maker – Key Survey. Key Survey is the industry’s most robust data collection platform that offers the advanced features you need to collect, manage and leverage Enterprise Feedback Data all inside a single solution.



Customer Feedback Innovation—A Case Study

The steps that one company took to go from customer-desired outcome to an actual factory-produced outcome are outlined as follows:

Step 1 – Divide the function of product up into a step-by-step procedure.  Invite in a wide range of customers who are familiar with each step of the procedure and interview them.

Step 2 – A moderator asks the customers to describe their desired outcome, not the design of the product, for each step of the procedure.   Lots of adjectives are thrown out, like “I would like it smaller”, “thinner”, “not so sticky”, etc.

Step 3 – The customer descriptions are sorted and duplicates are removed.  The company now has a complete list of descriptions that the customer values or deems important.

Step 4 – The customer are asked to prioritize each item by placing a qualifying value on how satisfied they are with each modification.  These values are fed into a mathematical formula to determine the relative attractiveness of each possibility.  These were written in function form, not as a product description.

Step 5 – The company’s design team converts the functional descriptions into product modification, or in some cases, totally new products.

The results are incredible, because of the customer feedback gathered at the input level.  The key to this success is to have the customer feedback focus on desired outcome, not desired product.

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