How the Future of Digital Ads is Changing Because of the AI
Digital Marketers have been reluctant to use AI for their marketing campaigns because of the ambiguity that used to surround the efficacy of this technology. Progress on clearing out misunderstandings related to AI and digital marketing has boosted the confidence of business owners and digital marketers.
Marketers have recognized that there is more to AI and that it can really benefit the digital advertising campaigns. As a result, it is one of the best digital marketing trends 2020 has to offer for this industry. How did AI have an impact on digital ads? Here is how the future of digital ads changes because of AI.
Curating content
Content curation is also a very important part of any digital advertising campaign. Above creating the content, AI also curates it, which will make it better for clients to connect with visitors on other sites.
Content curation can also be performed on-site where you can advertise other products similar to the one a customer put in his cart or on the wish list. AI curates ads to be shown where they are most relevant, using a personalized approach.
For example, when a customer buys an iPhone 11, content curation will also recommend a relevant phone case or screen protector. In that way, the content you are showing them is curated in accordance with their personal preferences.
AI technology also uses the typical recommendation model that says, “People who buy X also buy Y.” This is a technology used by the best essay help portals. You should go through the best assignment writing service UK to know about assignment help services that are helping college and university from all across the globe through a seamless tech-based process where AI is used extensively.
Direct digital advertising
Digital advertising through search engines, Facebook, or Instagram has been widely impacted by AI. It is the digital marketing campaign sector that has adopted AI very effortlessly and effectively.
For a digital advert to be tagged as successful, it needs to reach the correct audience and receive a positive response. That is what AI does; it collects data on social media and internet users and determines their preferences.
When AI discovers that someone likes technology based on historical searches and social media likes, he is more prone to receive tech gadget ads.
What is expected in this sector is improved accuracy because more data analyzing tools are being available and they are very comprehensive. That will lead to a more accurate system that directs ads right where they need to go.
Conducting searches
AI is also changing the way internet users conduct searches because of systems like Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa. These systems have reshaped the way if searching for something on the internet because searches are now in conversational and natural language.
The difference in regular keyword searches conducted on Google Search to this form of searching is caused by voice-activated apps. When internet users search for something they want on the internet, they usually use keywords like “best restaurant near me.” On the other hand, voice-activated searches prompt them to be more conversational.
Instead of using the above keyword, internet users would search something like “What are the best restaurants near me.” That changes the whole game when it comes to adding keywords on digital adverts. They need to cater to voice-activated searches also.
The future seems like voice-activated searches will be the primary browser searching method. Hence digital marketers need to adapt.
Designing websites
For a long time, the process of designing websites has been complex and reserved for the elite. However, as time went by, there have been programs that have made the process easier and more like a drag-and-drop task.
Familiarizing yourself with those computer programs took its own time and understanding these tools to the full won’t be an overnight job. The time used on trying to figure out how to create your own website can be better used effectively in other tasks of the business.
Because of that, some business owners opt to outsource building their site, but that costs way more. To address that problem, AI has programs that design websites from information provided to them autonomously.
It places digital adverts strategically throughout the site and uses images, paragraphs and other factors of a site professionally. All of this is done in a very short period of time and at the lowest possible price. Fusing your digital campaign with this AI technology will help increase conversions and bringing more revenue to the business.
Many digital advertisers as essay writing services nowadays have a chatbot where potential customers can ask questions about the product. These chatbots are AI-powered and answer frequently asked questions and the answers are closely identical to those of real humans.
Some chatbots use machine learning to come up with answers to more complex questions; in that way, customers get all the answers they need.
The core advantage of using chatbots in your digital advertising campaign is that customers don’t await a response they will get when you are free from other duties.
Instead, customers receive instant answers, which will enable them to make a more informed decision at that time. Using chatbots will improve the overall customer experience into a smoother and more memorable one.
Email marketing strategies
Email marketing is one of the longest standing reliable digital advertising methods that ever came to existence. Simply blindly sending out generic emails is completely out of the picture now and using A/B tests is currently gradually phasing out.
A/B tests also have a margin of error that could be detrimental to your digital advertising campaign. There is a solution to most of the problems plaguing most email marketing strategies and it is implementing AI.
Some businesses are currently implementing AI in their email marketing campaigns and this technology personalizes the content to customer preferences and behavior. AI-powered Machine Learning systems analyze millions of data about the targeted customer.
With the data analyzed, AI systems then rule out the best time to send through the email and how frequent you should be. Some AI-powered email marketing tools also help digital marketers come up with email subjects that will lead to more clicks.
User Experience (UX)
User Experience goes hand-in-hand with the customer strategy (CX strategy). Therefore, it is all about personalizing a website to suit customer preferences. In that way, on-site ads are affected and the way they are posted and AI comes into play in this regard. When a site and digital ad campaign is designed to suit personal preferences, businesses can expect higher conversion rates.
When potential customers are bombarded with ads at each and every turn, they might not be prone to make a purchase. On the other hand, even if an ad appears once in a while, if it takes up the entire screen, it might be irritating to customers.
AI does the work for you and puts itself in the customer’s shoes and determines how they would like to receive the ads and then recommends the best locations.
Predictive analysis
Almost everyone would like to know what the future holds and businesses would better use that data to profit even more. AI works on filling that role for businesses, providing potential future prospects using historical data.
In most cases, the phrase that says “history tends to repeat itself” is true, especially in digital marketing. There are consumer trends that can be used by businesses to predict future reactions or behavior.
There is so much that companies would like to know about future trends and trying to manually predict them will take a lot of time.
Besides the time it would take, the accuracy would be speculative, and because of that, digital marketers rely on AI to research them. Predictive Analysis models gather data such as the best price for a certain product, which customer is more prone to call again, etc.
Formulating content
The concept of a machine writing content all on its own from scratch seems too farfetched. However, some sites might disagree with your disbelief. Although AI technology isn’t able to write opinionated blog posts and also can’t offer industry-specific professional advice, it can formulate reports and news.
When injected with accurate data, AI programs designed specifically for this purpose will write news and reports that can attract visitors to the company’s site. Using these AI tools to formulate digital ads is also completely possible and that content will lead to more clicks on the website.
Large media companies have started using AI to write some of their content and some of the tools currently in use are Articoolo, Wordsmith, and Quill. Corporations such as Forbes, AP, CBS, Reuters, BBC and the New York Times have begun implementing these AI systems. The content that is formulated by AI systems passes like it’s a human being that came up with it.
Final thoughts
AI is taking the digital advertising world by storm and its global implementation calls for marketers to adapt. Customers are switching to easier methods of searching for products like voice search and businesses need to offer data that would be easy to find when using this method. In essence, businesses need to be aware of what is happening in the digital advertising industry to conform whenever needed. (c)

Michael Gorman is a software development specialist and experienced freelance writer who offers assignment help to students. Michael is a renowned app developer who has developed plenty of applications for health and fitness tracking. He is also one of the best paper writers in the UK. Being interested in the area of software development, Michael has shared useful insights on how individuals and agencies can develop quality apps in various publications. Feel free to contact him via Facebook or check his Twitter.