Top 15 Static Source Code Analysis Tools and Services
System security, the ability to withstand malicious internal and external attacks is of increasing concern to users of high end software application – especially in crucial industries such as banks, avionics, the automobile industry and defense establishments. As a professional programmer, often responsible for the writing and development of critical sections of code, it is your responsibility to ensure that the final code released to the client is as bug free and attack resistant as is possible.
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A number of studies have been performed recently that have attempted to analyze software security and failure issues. Most seem to show that in approximately 50% of the reported incidents, system stability and security has been the result of an attack at the application level. The studies have also identified two root causes that enabled such attacks to be, to a greater of lesser degree, successful:
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- Software provided the end user, whether off the shelf software solutions or custom designed and provided solutions that suffered from security and software vulnerabilities that the client was not aware of and so failed to take appropriate precautions.
- A security configuration error that effectively compromised the entire software package. This was, in general, the result of the lack of a well formulated and implemented strategy to thwart hostile attacks.
Other points of interest pointed to by these studies further support the need for an effective static source code analysis procedure. In particular, the following points should be noted and taken into consideration when developing a static source code analysis protocol:
- Larger companies appear to be less efficient in managing the vulnerabilities and insecurities exposed by server and operating system attacks. The reasons for this remain unclear but, whatever the underlying cause, IT departments and those involved in software security should take this under advisement.
- Very few attacks are “zero-day” attacks. In most cases the attack was mounted by automated tools scanning the target application for loopholes, vulnerabilities and “back doors”.
- Unfortunately, in the vast majority of attacks, the attack was only detected after a successful penetration and actual harm to the system.
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Static source code analysis is a never ending process
One conclusion to be drawn for these studies is that the implementation and integration of a credible static source code analysis procedure should, ideally, be implemented at all stages of the software’s life cycle.
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As technology advances, new static source code analysis tools are appearing with greater capabilities. Running a static source code analysis, even on a piece of released software, could identify previously unknown problems and allow for a solution to be found and implemented.
Top 8 Static Source Code Analysis Tools:
Using Source code analysis tools
Who chooses the source code analysis tools for your organization or project? In many cases, it is not the programmers or code developers but rather those involved with code/program security and compliance issues. Often code developers can be reluctant to take on a new source code analysis tool for any number of reasons including a reluctance to place their faith in a piece of code that they, from their own experience, feel could be faulty and not match their own review and identification capabilities.
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Bear this in mind when you are planning the integration of source code analysis tools. Take into account that assimilation time can be lengthy and look for ways to smooth the process. One suggestion, adopted by many management teams, is the gradual introduction of the tool – in other words, it’s not deployed to all developers on a project at the same time. Rather, the tool is introduced gradually, team by team. One possibility is introducing the tool for limited integration into specific project areas – bug tracking, conflicts etc. As more and more team members become exposed to the tool, so their acceptance will grow and their willingness to adopt it.
Another idea is the implementation of a “security awareness program” that can use a variety of delivery agents to increase programmers’ awareness of the more common vulnerabilities facing the project. This program should be designed to lead on to the introduction of standards for secure coding and finally, the integration of the chosen source code analysis tools.
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I have said this before, but it cannot be stressed enough. Regardless of its strength and capabilities, one source code analysis tool can rarely perform all the functions that are required by a project! This does not mean that an organization should go wild and acquire every source code analysis tools on the market – this would lead to an overkill situation and quite possibly confusion and code conflict within the programming teams. However, different source code analysis tools can identify different problems. For example, one source code analysis tool may be excellent at identifying memory leak vulnerabilities whilst another can recognize errors caused by sloppy coding.
Static application security testing (SAST) used to be divorced from Code quality reviews, resulting in limited impact and value. beSOURCE addresses the code security quality of applications and thus integrates SecOps into DevOps.

The Clang Static Analyzer is a source code analysis tool that finds bugs in C, C++, and Objective-C programs.

SourceMeter is the most innovative and comprehensive software quality assurance and source code analysis solution in the world.

We’re the largest independent provider of cross-platform software development tools and embedded components in the world. Come see how we can help.

Veracode offers static source code analysis in all widely used languages for enterprises looking to defend against malicious attacks.

Secure Source Code Management in the Cloud. Assembla is the only multi-repository platform in the world offering NextGen SVN, Git and Perforce, all in the Cloud.

CAST code analysis technology is geared towards solving two fundamental problems. The first is that most modern IT systems are comprised of thousands of components, built by multiple teams and dozens of developers.

Checkmarx is a provider of state-of-the-art application security solution: static code analysis software, seamlessly integrated into development process.

Top 7 Static Source Code Analysis Services:
Imagine the following scenario (it is quite a common one and it may very well apply to your organization):
You are developing a product or service that requires driver and kernel solutions and components. You may employ your own team of coders and engineers or perhaps an outsourcing service to which you have given the job of developing these vital routines. Here’s the problem – developing these routines is just one of the tasks that your own team has to deal with.
On the other hand, your outsourcer will claim to have developed exactly the routine that you require. But, and it is a very big “but”, these are critical components that will directly affect the functionality and workability of your final service or product. Even more importantly, as this is kernel code that lies at the very heart of your product/service, if it fails to function as described due to bad design or implementation – you will have to face disappointed and angry clients, clients that you could well loose to the competition.
If you are 100% confident in the abilities of your in house team to cope with all the challenges they face, with their ability to identify and fix errors and to produce solutions that meet requirements – that’s great. Similarly, if you have absolute faith in your outsourcer and their solution – excellent.
However, there is a tendency (and an understandable one) to maximize utilization on in-house resources are, alternatively, to choose a cheaper outsourcing solution. The rational is clear – maximize resource exploitation of reduce outsourcing costs contribute to lower development and production costs and a greater profit.
Cheap can be expensive
However, such an attitude can be counterproductive and lead, not to increased profits, but loss of clients and falling profitability. For this reason, a new type of service industry has sprung up, source code analysis services. Source code analysis services are designed for those organizations that need to review, evaluate and fix software issues but don’t have the resources or the time to run code analysis. Source code analysis services will take code, in-house or outsourced, and analyze it in relation to your design parameters and solution. Such services specialize in providing a source code analysis service. They are not involved in the design or development of the code, are 100% unbiased and will provide you with a detailed breakdown and analysis of the code along with suggestions and actions you should take to improve your code’s security and stability.
For many organizations, the use of a source code analysis service is the middle road that provides an optimum solution in terms of cost and reliability.
Get the most from your static code analysis (SCA) efforts. Create a powerful combination of advanced technology and services to maximize your commitment to great, secure code. Our static code analysis services help find the right checkers for your organization, your projects and your teams, ensure reports tell you what you need to know, and get everyone on the same page.

PSC provides expert application security testing services. Contact us today for a free code analysis.

Cyberkov security experts carry extensive knowledge in software security & secure development practices, and they are members & chapter leaders of globally-renowned software security organizations such as OWASP.

Static code analysis or source code analysis is one of the most important constituents of Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). Static code analysis service provided by UITSEC professionals covers the analysis of codes by performing code review sessions on the project.

Rhino Security Labs has application security experts well-versed in a wide range of languages, from basic Assembly and C code up to high-level scripting languages.

Codacy automates code reviews and monitors code quality over time. Static analysis, code coverage and metrics for Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Scala, Java, Python, CoffeeScript and CSS.

Get automated code review for test coverage, complexity, duplication, security, style, and more. Start your free trial today.

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