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What are the Different Reasons for People Leaving their Jobs?

Employee turnover is a problem for businesses of just about every shape and size. An employee might spend five years getting up to speed with all of the disparate challenges that their role might throw at them, only to quit and leave the business to make plans for their absence. The phenomenon is an enormous drain on productivity – and one that leaders have been trying to plug for decades.

Employees quit for all kinds of reasons. Often, these reasons can be difficult to precisely identify. In many cases, even the employee themselves couldn’t pinpoint the source of their dissatisfaction – they just one day began to crave a different challenge.

Here are some of the top reasons why people leave their jobs.

Lack of Appreciation

Being underappreciated can be extremely depressing. You come into the same job for years on end, you make the difference between the success and failure of the business, and yet your labours go unremarked-upon.

Lack of Advancement

When employees complain about being stuck in a ‘dead-end’ job, they’re voicing a fundamental concern. We’d all like to become better versions of ourselves, whether in a personal or professional sense. Offering employees the chance to train, earn new skills, and ultimately advance to a more senior position, will help a business retain those employees.

According to polling carried out on behalf of signage and large format printer instantprint, 31% of workers in the UK have left a position because they weren’t being given adequate training. Moreover, 56% of them would leave their current role if their training opportunities were cut back. There are some sectors, like HR, where this concern is especially prevalent (40% of HR workers have left a job for this reason) – but just about everyone in work wants to be able to advance.

Bad Management

It’s difficult to work up enthusiasm for a given role if you can’t stand the person who’s giving you orders. Bad managers come in many forms. They might try to keep employees in line using fear and emotional blackmail. They might be perfectly nice, but unsuited to the position. A bad manager might be one that’s treating you with disrespect or one whose incompetence speaks to an organisation-wide lack of proper vetting. Either way, it’s a sign that many employees will understandably take as a warning that they’re not going to be able to progress in the business.


Some positions are naturally more demanding than others. In some cases, this can lead to stress and other mental health issues. Many employees in these roles might one day stumble into a moment of clarity, in which they ask themselves the big question: “Why am I doing this, again?”. Unfortunately, the employees who are wise enough to pose this question are precisely the ones that you’ll want to retain for the long-term.

Creating a culture where employees work for eighty hours a week is going to inevitably lead to burnout, no matter how much cash you fling at the problem. Taking steps to limit this likelihood, and to spread the workload evenly and fairly, will help you to keep hold of these valued members of staff.

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