Top 6 Free Asset Management Software: Managing Asset
Everybody in the world have assets in some form or other. What is an asset? How do you define assets? An asset can be defined as anything owned by an individual or company that has an exchange value either in the present or in the future. The definition for an asset in economics is “any form in which wealth can be held”. Assets include land and buildings, machinery, inventory, stocks and shares, bank deposits, Bonds, goodwill, liquid cash etc. Some of these assets depreciate due to age or inflation and this will decrease the real value of an asset.
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The objective of any person or company is to ensure that the value of these assets always increase by judiciously planning the investment. Hence, there is need to manage these assets owned by anybody including companies for a smooth and efficient functioning of the organization irrespective of whether new or well established. A human being has the capability to manage the assets on his own; however there are limitations because of the volume of assets that require handling by individuals. In such situations the computer is of great assistance.
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Asset management software developed by various IT companies comes handy for managing efficiently the assets. Nowadays, free asset management software is available which save time and effort.
Many rich people and companies own a large number of assets. Considerable amount of money has been sunk in these assets which require proper management. One has to track these assets in terms of physical location, current value of these assets, maintenance schedules, replacement, portfolio changes etc. In earlier days professionals were being assigned to do this task; however because of the volume of assets involved a lot of time was spent on manually doing these jobs. Nowadays, asset management software has reduced the human effort to a large extent. The free asset management software available in Internet is error free and more efficient than manual work.
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Any business in the world has Inventory in the form of raw materials, finished goods, bought-out and subcontracted components, work in progress etc. and one has to keep track of these items for efficient running of the business. Big businesses carry more inventory than small businesses. Since the inventory is an investment made for the future of the company it is an asset and requires management. A large number of free asset management software are available using which you can create the inventory assets database for smooth functioning of your organization.
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In order to manage the IT assets of the company free asset management software are being used and these are efficient in handling software/ hardware inventory and also networking. The networking module keeps track of the hardware such as personal computers, servers, printers, and scanners etc. that are in the computer network of the organization. The asset management software has full compatibility with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technologies which facilitate automatic identification of inventory assets. This technology depends on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders.
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Day by day, people have started using the free asset management software because of the high accuracy and minimal human effort. This again results in cost reduction.
Top Six Free Asset Management Software:
Snipe-IT is a free, open source IT asset management system written in PHP. Snipe-IT is open source software. Transparency, security and oversight is at the heart of everything we do. No vendor lock-in again, ever.

Free asset management software with check in check out. Track assets with custom asset tags and mobile apps.

You’ve got IT assets. We’ve got a way to manage them. Spiceworks IT Asset Management software integrates with your help desk, network monitoring, and more.

Easily track all assets in your facilities with Asset Track. Record supplier and user information. Track where assets are located. Scan manufacturer barcodes or produce barcode labels directly from Asset Track.

ResourceSpace is Open Source Digital Asset Management (DAM) software that offers considerable savings over proprietry systems.

Free Software asset management – Inventory software in your Company. It’s Easy, Fast and Free!!

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